Action Plan  

There is a lack of awareness on this topic so I want people to have more knowledge about it. I want people to find ways that can help reduce the harm of animals and our lives. I want people to be aware of how they are treating the enviroment. 

I went to Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy in Lower Mills and presented to the 4th graders on April 24th. I presented to them and gave them an overview of what was happening. I talked about the main causes and how animals are essential to our environment. Ahead of time, the students were assigned animals to research about. I ask them what they remember or a fact

Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy- Lower Mills Campus

Throughout the school year, I was working on 15 pieces. My pieces depict the before and after showcasing how it was before the animal was impacted by human activity that affects the environment. I picked seven animals that are going extinct or becoming endangered.  They all created sentences with the chosen animal. I made a children book with my illustrations and their sentences. 

The cover of my book 


Red Panda

The decline of the Red Panda population is due to several factors, including loss and degradation of habitat, human interference, and poaching. There is a loss of red pandas, “It's believed that the population has shrunk by 40% over the past twenty years.” Over time the population has been decreasing on the Red IUCN List. The threat they are facing is, “Habitat loss is the main threat to the red panda’s survival. Human growth in the area, combined with climate change has led to the fragmentation and loss of livable land. In addition, the red panda has faced dangers from hunting, poaching, and general human interference.” Red Pandas are being affected when people start moving into their area because they are cutting down their forests. 

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterflies are becoming endangered because of climate change. The main reason is a plant called milkweed.  Milkweed is dealing with a spreading disease and the population of it is decreasing. Due to that butterflies are becoming endangered. Milkweeds are essential for monarchs to surive. As can be seen in the statistics of monarch butterflies, “The western population is at greatest risk of extinction, having declined by an estimated 99.9%, from as many as 10 million to 1,914 butterflies between the 1980s and 2000s.” The population of butterflies has been declining for some time now since around the 1980s.


Fin Whale


Sumatran Rhino


Shoeshoe Hares


Arctic ring Seal


Sundra Island Tiger
