Mass Extinction of Endangered Animals

Arebella Jean-Baptiste 

The main Causes....

Extinction to endangered status of animals can be attributed to habitat loss and degradation such as deforestation, overexploitation (hunting, overfishing), invasive species, climate change, and nitrogen pollution.


How are human contributing to the extinction of animals?

With the growth of human populations and advancements in technology, our impact on nature has intensified. Habitats have been destroyed, pollution has increased in our environment, and climate change has accelerated due to high carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels. Consequently, we're seeing the highest rates of species extinctions in centuries. 


Mission Statement 

It is important to take action by supporting organizations that promote equality and advocacy. I believe people forget that there are other species than humans in this world. Animals have their role in this world, but they cannot impact this world if they become extinct. Animals' main role in this web of life is maintaining the balance and biodiversity of nature. Species can pollinate and stimulate nutrient cycling. These are a part of the development of the ecosystem. The ecosystem is an environment or natural habitat and how organisms interact. Many species, for example, butterflies, hummingbirds, and bats help with pollination. They transfer pollen from one flower to another which helps flowers produce. 

"Clearly, animals impact us more than we think, they do"

- Irene M. Pepperberg


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