Historical Context

The Sixth Mass Extinction:

Mass extinction has been happening throughout history. There have been five extinctions; this is the sixth mass extinction. The first one happened 440 million years ago. The last one happened 65 million years ago. It was when species were losing their habitat or resources. This endangerment of animals has been happening since 1900. 

The cause of sixth mass extinction

“Unlike previous extinction events caused by natural phenomena, the sixth mass extinction is driven by human activity, primarily (though not limited to) the unsustainable use of land, water, energy use, and climate change. Currently, 40% of all land has been converted for food production. Agriculture is also responsible for 90% of global deforestation and accounts for 70% of the planet’s freshwater use, devastating the species that inhabit those places by significantly altering their habitats.” 

Human activity is causing the sixth mass extinction because of these unstainable land, water, and energy use.  The World Wildlife Fund implies “When one species goes extinct in an ecosystem or its population numbers decline so significantly that it cannot sustain its important function, other species are affected, impacting the way the ecosystem functions and the benefits it provides. And the potential for species extinction rises.” When people see a change in the ecosystem it starts to raise brows. To some individuals in this world if an issue is affecting  people in the world that is when they start to notice a problem. Animals bring many benefits for humans. For people to bring them harm is upsetting. Animals should be able to live. They were created by God, before humans. For many of the species of different animals to become endangered or extinct is only hurting ourselves. Everything or anyone that was put into this world for a purpose. If animals go extinct it is a loss because they play a role in our ecosystem.