Stress & Anxiety
Support for Parents:
Some Other Solutions:
24/7 Crisis line (780) 743 4357 (HELP)
Wood Buffalo Addiction and Mental Health (WBAMH)
walk-in & scheduled individual counselling & therapy sessions to individuals for addictions & mental health.
339 Powder Drive, Suite 120
(780) 743 7187
Systems Navigator: 1 (780) 750-8650
Family Violence Crisis Line: 1 (780) 743 1190
Sexual Trauma Support Line: 1 (780) 791 6708
Alberta Health Services
Northern Lights Regional Health Center
7 Hospital Street
Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion.
Everyone experiences stress and anxiety at one time or another.
The difference between stress and anxiety is:
- stress is a response to something external
-anxiety is a person’s reaction to stress
When a person regularly feels elevated levels of stress and/or anxiety, this may become a medical disorder.