Plenary Speakers

Janet Anders (University of Exeter). "Strong coupling and coherence in quantum thermodynamics"

Eli Barkai (Bar-Ilan University). "Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics meets infinite ergodic theory"

Clemens Bechinger (Universität Konstanz). "Brownian particles in nonequilibrium baths"

Pierre Gaspard (Université libre de Bruxelles). "Quantum local-equilibrium approach to the macrodynamics of matter"

Peter Hänggi (Universität Augsburg). "Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics at Small Scales: Facts, Issues and still Open Problems"

Ralf Metzler (University of Potsdam). "Long-range correlated processes: confinement & heterogeneity"

Gloria Platero (ICMM-CSIC). "Long-Range Quantum Transfer in Semiconductor Quantum Dots Arrays"

Jose M. G. Vilar (University of the Basque Country). "Entropic separation of nanofilament bundles"

Julia Yeomans (University of Oxford). "Active Matter: evading the decay to equilibrium"

Invited Speakers

Biman Bagchi (Indian Institute of Science). "Boltzmann’s H-Function Extended to Orientation: Anomalous Molecular Shape Dependence of Relaxation and Time Scales of Entropy"

Philippe Ben-Abdallah (Institut d'Optique - CNRS). "Near-field heat transfer in non-reciprocal many-body systems"

Luis L. Bonilla (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). "Scale free chaos in the confined Vicsek flocking model"

Oded Farago (Ben Gurion University of the Negev). "Interplay between membrane elasticity and active cytoskeleton forces regulates the aggregation dynamics of the immunological synapse"

Etienne Fodor (University of Luxembourg). "Pulsating active matter"

Paolo Malgaretti (HI-ERN for renewable energy). "Dynamics in confined systems: from linear chains to quantum systems"

M. Carmen Miguel (Universitat de Barcelona). "Honey bee-like collective decision-making in a kilobot swarm"

Antonio Prados (Universidad de Sevilla). "Beating the natural timescale for relaxation with optimal control"

Haitao Quan (Peking University). "Microscopic theory of the Curzon-Ahlborn heat engine based on a Brownian particle"

Felix Ritort (Universitat de Barcelona). "Variance sum rule for entropy production"

Vaclav Spicka (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). "Non-equilibrium dynamics of open systems, fluctuation-dissipation theorems and quantum transport theory"

Pietro Tierno (Universitat de Barcelona). "Colloidal clusters and gels from active apolar colloids"

Contributed talks

Carlos Mejía-Monasterio (Polytechnic University of Madrid). "Anomalous transport and phase transitions in stochastic clustering under confinement"

Ohad Shpielberg  (The university of Haifa).  "Arrhenius law for interacting diffusive systems"

Rodrigo de Miguel (NTNU). "Strong coupling, vibrational frequency and negative thermophoresis"

Carlos A. Plata (Universidad de Sevilla). "Thermodynamic cost for stochastic resetting"

Pedro E. Harunari (University of Luxembourg). "Thermodynamics at the beat of transitions"

Takaaki Monnai (Seikei University). "Arbitrary time thermodynamic uncertainty relation from exchange fluctuation theorem"

Aubin Archambault (ENS de Lyon - Laboratoire de Physique). "Experimentally optimizing work extraction in an underdamped information engine"

Cheng-Tai Lee (Tel Aviv University). "Odd elasticity in disordered chiral active materials"

Léo Régnier (Sorbonne Université). "Universal exploration dynamics of random walks"

Arnau Jurado Romero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). "High Energy Vibrational Excitations of Nitromethane in Liquid Water"

Mihail N. Popescu (University of Seville). "Self-phoresis when correlations matter"

Jakub Spiechowicz (University of Silesia in Katowice). "Periodic potential can enormously boost free particle transport induced by active fluctuations"

Charlie Duclut (Institut Curie). "Stochastic dynamics of chemotactic colonies with logistic growth"

Arturo Moncho-Jordá (University of Granada). "Nonequilibrium active switching of soft bistable macromolecules: structure, dynamics and phase behavior"

Andrés Arango-Restrepo (Universitat de Barcelona). "Chiral symmetry breaking induced by energy dissipation"

Christoffer Åberg (University of Groningen). "Exploring glass-like characteristics of motor-protein-driven motion in mammalian cells"

Alberto Martinez Serra (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)). "Size-dependent glassy kinetics of nanoparticle-protein corona complexes"

Gonzalo Manzano (IFISC (UIB-CSIC)). "Quantum-enhanced performance in superconducting Andreev-reflection engines"

Krzysztof Ptaszyński (University of Luxembourg). "Quantum and classical contributions to entropy production in fermionic and bosonic Gaussian systems"

Federico Cerisola (University of Oxford). "Accounting for thermal quantum effects in magnetic materials modelling"

M. Florencia Carusela (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento). "Improving transport properties of an electrolyte in corrugated channels"

Jinfu Chen (Peking University). "Optimizing Brownian heat engine with shortcut strategy"

Martin Maza-Cuello (Universidad de Navarra). "Macroscopic ratchet-like transport driven by dry friction"

Nicolas Barros (ENS de Lyon). "Probabilistic work extraction on underdamped mechanical systems beyond the 2nd law"

Sergei Fedotov (University of Manchester). "Ensemble self-reinforcement and strong memory effects due to population heterogeneity for fractional equations"

Hugo Andrade Araújo (Basque Center of Applied Mathematics). "Subdiffusion in a randomly inhomogeneous medium from a Fock Space Approach"

Gianni Pagnini (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics). "Generalized Fokker–Planck Equations for Superstatistical Systems"

Svend-Age Biehs (Oldenburg University). "Breakdown of detailed balance for thermal radiation by synthetic fields"

Debraj Das (International Centre for Theoretical Physics). "Quantum unitary evolution interspersed with repeated non-unitary interactions at random times"

José Antonio Almanza Marrero (IFISC). "Coherence for quantum-enhanced thermodynamic performance in steady-state quantum thermal machines"

Ariane Soret (University of Luxembourg). "Thermodynamic Consistency of Driven Quantum Optical Master Equations"

Charlie Hogg (University of Exeter). "Quantum signatures in spin equilibrium states at strong coupling through non-commuting operators"

Salambô Dago (University of Vienna). "Information and thermodynamics: optimizing information processing using underdamped systems"

Mrinal Sarkar (University of Heidelberg). "Biased random walk on random networks in presence of stochastic resetting: Exact results"

Vasco Cavina (University of Luxembourg). "Non equilibrium Caldeira-Leggett model as a paradigm for autonomous engines"

Alberto Castro (ARAID Foundation). "Floquet engineering non-equilibrium steady states"

Lorenzo Caprini (Heinrich-Heine University of Duesseldorf). "Emergent memory from tapping collisions in active matter"

Francisco J. Cao-García (UCM / IMDEA-Nanociencia). "Dispersal-induced resilience to environmental fluctuations in populations with Allee effect"

Roderick Melnik (Wilfrid Laurier University). "Human Biosocial Dynamics with Complex Psychological Behaviour: Hierarchy of Mathematical Models and Nonequilibrium Phenomena"