XXV Sitges Conference, Barcelona, 6-10 June 2016

Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Confined Systems


This edition of the conference was focused on Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Confined Systems, and hosted contributions in topics such as diffusion and entropic transport in confined systems, ion and polymer translocation, phase transitions and chemical reactions in confined media, forces induced by fluctuations in confined systems and Casimir effect, confined active mater, macromolecular crowding and energy conversion in confinement. We the organization of this conference, we intended to stimulate discussions between physicists and researchers coming from different areas, to favor the interchange and cross-fertilization of ideas, and to deepen the understanding of the open questions in the field of confined systems.

Plenary Speakers

A. Alcaraz (Universitat Jaume I, Spain). "Stochastic pumping of ions based on colored noise in bacterial channels under acidic stress"

R. D. Astumian (University of Maine, USA). "Chemically Driving the Formation of Non-equilibrium Structures"

D. Bedeaux (NTNU, Norway). "Curvature dependence of the heat and mass transfer resistances of the surface of nano bubbles and droplets"

S. Bezrukov (NIH, Bethesda, USA). "Polymers in nanopore confinements"

L. Bonilla (University Carlos III, Spain). "Tumor induced angiogenesis: ensemble averages and solitons"

J. J. Brey (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain). "Kinetic theory of a confined quasi-two-dimensional system of hard spheres"

L. Dagdug (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico). "Description of diffusion in confined systems placing the coordinate frame at the tube’s axis"

P. Gallo (University of Roma Tre, Italy). "Slow dynamics and structure of supercooled water in hydrophilic confinement"

P. Kalinay (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia). "Generalized Fick-Jacobs equation: achievements and restrictions"

U. F. Keyser (University of Cambridge, UK). "Optimising transport through synthetic channels on micro- and nanoscale"

S. Kjelstrup (NTNU, Norway). "The geometry of the arctic reindeer nose gives energy efficient respiration"

H. Löwen (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany). "Colloids under adaptive confinement: from nanoscale cludges to motility landscapes"

F. Marchesoni (University of Camerino, Italy). "Taxis of Artificial Swimmers in Suspension Gradients"

J. Martí (UPC-Barcelona Tech, Spain). "Diffusion of Water Confined in Nanometric Hydrophobic Surfaces"

S. Pagliara (University of Exeter, UK). "The short story of a colloid in a channel"

I. Pagonabarraga (University of Barcelona, Spain). "Does confinement hinder transport? Environmentally induced transport in passive, actuated and active suspensions"

F. Piazza (University of Orleans, France). "Diffusion of small ligands in complex confining and reactive landscapes: the geometry of chemoreception"

L. Schimansky-Geier (University of Berlin, Germany). "Structures in heterogeneous stochastic neuronal networks"

I. Sokolov (University of Berlin, Germany). "Nanophase separation in confined liquid films"

B. Spagnolo (Università di Palermo and CNISM, Italy). "Nonlinear Relaxation Phenomena in Metastable Condensed Matter Systems"

J.-M. Zanotti (Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, France). "Ionic liquids in bulk and under 1D nanometric confinement: a multiscale analysis"

Contributed Talks

Pablo M. Blanco (University of Barcelona, Spain) "Effect of mixed crowded media on the diffusion processes of proteins in intracellular media by Brownian dynamics simulations"

G. Camisasca (Università Roma Tre, Italy). "Dynamics of hydration water at protein interfaces with and without trehalose"

Carles Calero (University of Barcelona, Spain). "Dynamics of water under confinement by soft and hard boundaries: a comparative analysis using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations"

Christopher D. Daub (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway). "Molecular alignment in confined fluids: Can we separate the influence of density and thermal gradients?"

Marco Dentz (IDAEA-CSIC, Spain). "Self-Averaging and Ergodicity of Subdiffusion in d-Dimensional Quenched Random Trap Models"

Martin Goethe (University of Barcelona, Spain). "Including Thermal Motion into Free Energy Expressions of Proteins"

S. Karabetoglu (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey). "Modification of Knudsen Law for Confined Systems"

Thomas Konincks (Laboratoire de Chimie ENS Lyon, France). "Hard-sphere fluid in a random potential"

Tadeusz Kosztolowicz (Jan Kochanowski University, Poland). "Subdiffusion-reaction process in a system consisting of two different media"

John Lapeyre (IDAEA-CSIC, Spain). "Anomalous diffusion in disordered confinement"

Fabio Leoni (University of Barcelona, Spain). "Molecular dynamics simulations of low-temperature phase transitions in a nano-confined water-like liquid"

Paolo Malgaretti (Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme, Germany). "Confinement–induced dynamical regimes"

I. A. Martínez (École Normale Supérieure, France). "Energy transfer between colloids using critical interactions"

Marco G. Mazza (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany). "Wall-hugging effect of active swimmers in concave confinement"

Doreen Niether (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany). "Accumulation of formamide in hydrothermal pores to form prebiotic nucleobases"

Fernando A. Oliveira (Universidade de Brasília, Brazil). "Universal and exact exponents for cellular automata growth models"

Antonio Ortiz-Ambriz (University of Barcelona, Spain). "Engineering of frustration in colloidal artificial ices"

Riccardo Rurali (ICMAB–CSIC, Spain). "Heat transport through a solid-solid junction: the interface as an autonomous thermodynamic system"

Sergey D. Traytak (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia). "Analytical methods for diffusion-influenced processes in confined media"

O. Vilanova (University of Barcelona, Spain). "Polymorphism, polyamorphism and hexatic phases in a highly confined water monolayer"


Francisco Alarcón, Ignacio Pagonabarraga. "Micro-swimmer suspensions using high performance computing"

Alhun Aydin, Altug Sisman. "Phase transition of quantum oscillations in 1D Fermi gas"

Fernando Barbosa V. da Silva, Fernando Albuquerque Oliveira, Marco Aurélio A. Barbosa. "Residual entropy in the repulsive one-dimensional lattice model of liquid water"

M. Florencia Carusela, J. Miguel Rubi. "Resonant entropic transport along a confined oscillatory channel"

J. Codina, I. Pagonabarraga. "Emergent interactions in non-equilibrium suspensions"

Zbigniew Dendzik, Krzysztof Górny. "Dipolar relaxation of molecules of hydrogen bonded liquids in nanoscale confinement - computer simulation study"

Luciano C. Lapas, Rogelma M. S. Ferreira, J. Miguel Rubi, Fernando A. Oliveira. "Anomalous law of cooling in nano systems"

A. Giuntoli, D. Leporini. "Confinement effects on the correlation between α− and β−relaxations in polymer films"

Jannes Gladrow, Ulrich F Keyser. "Showing the way out: Exit binding sites induce unilateral transport in microchannels"

Luis Guardado, Ignacio Pagonabarraga. "Modeling active nematic dynamics at liquid-liquid interface"

Ivan Latella, Agustín Pérez-Madrid, J. Miguel Rubi. "Thermodynamic bounds for confined thermal radiation energy conversion"

Katarzyna D. Lewandowska, Tadeusz Kosztolowicz. "A new boundary condition in a system with a thin membrane"

Josep Lluís Garcés, Pablo M. Blanco, Sergio Madurga, Francesc Mas. "Extension of the transfer matrix methods to include long-range interactions in polyelectrolytes"

Núria Vilaplana, Cristina Balcells, Sergio Madurga, Josep Lluı́s Garcés, Marta Cascante, Francesc Mas. "Macromolecular crowding effect on the cooperativity of enzymatic reactions"

Luciano C. Lapas, Agustín Pérez-Madrid, and J. Miguel Rubi. "Theory of Casimir Forces without the Proximity-Force Approximation"

María Queralt Martín, Antonio Alcaraz. "On the different sources of cooperativity in pH titrating sites of a membrane protein"

Artem Ryabov, Viktor Holubec, Mohammad Hassan Yaghoubi, Martin Varga. "Transport coefficients for a confined Brownian ratchet operating between two heat reservoirs"

Fabian Schwarzendahl, Stephan Herminghaus and Marco G. Mazza. "Run-reverse-flick strategy of interacting bacteria"

Yizhou Tan, Sebastian Sturm, Stefano Pagliara, Ulrich Keyser. "Reconstruction of energy landscapes for diffusing particles in microfluidic channels"

Antonella Verderosa, Lamberto Rondoni. "Energy Spectrum Distortion for Non Equilibrium Systems"



The book of abstracts and detailed program of the conference can be downloaded here.

Organizing Committee

  • G. Franzese (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

  • I. Latella (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

  • D. Reguera (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

  • J. M. Rubi (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

Supported by