How can I join a service group?

To join most service groups, just show up on one of their meetings. However, there are some service groups which might require an application. If you are unsure, how to join a specific service group, just contact one of the groups leaders.

Why should I join a service group?

Service groups provide authentic learning experiences that help students grow into adaptable, socially responsible global citizens. Projects at FIS support both the local community and people around the globe.

When does which service group meet?

Please visit the attached document to view a service group meeting calendar:


How do I start my own service initiative?

For more information on how to start your own initiative please contact: Alicia_Chaplin@fis.edu or Pete_Sinclair@fis.edu

Do I have to join a Service Group in order to fulfill meet the CAS expectations?

There are multiple ways to fulfill the service section of CAS. For more information click here or contact Mariko_Jungnitsch@fis.edu

Where can I find an overview of all Service Groups at FIS?

Please click here to find an overview of all Service Groups at FIS

How can I find out which Service Group best interests me?

Click here to see our service groups categorised by target or click here to see our service groups sorted by the Sustainable Development Goals

What should I do if I am interested in joining a service group?

If you are interested in joining a service group, please contact the service group's leader. They will be happy to inform you on how to best become involved. You can find the list of Service Leaders here.