Tier 3

Tier 3 is different from Tier 2 in that the goal is to close critical foundational gaps. In Tier 3, student data has shown that the learner is missing foundations such as decoding, vocabulary knowledge, place value, or number sense. These students are usually 2 or more years behind in foundational learning goals. They need to work with specialists who can pinpoint the areas of challenge and use evidence-based strategies to accelerate and monitor learning.

Tier 3 – Intensive Intervention

Based on Tier 2 progress monitoring data, student is determined to be in need of additional intervention.

What will the general education teacher do?

Be prepared to identify and provide CIT with student’s current progress.

What will the Campus Intervention Team do?

  • Review student data

  • Determine goal for student

  • Develop plan that details specific interventions to address goal

  • Determine how progress will be monitored

  • Determine exit criteria

  • Schedule follow-up meeting

Next Steps for Classroom Teacher:

  • Share exit criteria with student

  • Implement interventions with fidelity according to the intervention plan

  • Progress monitor bi-weekly and document in Branching Minds (required for follow-up CIT meeting)

If progress monitoring is showing little progress, contact the CIT chairperson to determine whether or not a district specialist should be invited to the scheduled follow-up meeting to give professional input. (LSSP, Diagnostician, Speech)