
This week we continue our sensory awareness unit with balance

PE Checklist

Fill out questionaire to let me know what equipment you have at home.

Personal/General Space

This week's activity teaches us the difference between personal space and general space. These are two things we need to make sure we have before doing PE

What is Physical Activity?

This week we talk about type of physical activity. Think about the opportunities you have to participate in physical activity. Write out what you enjoy for physical activity then keep a log for the week of what you do and how long you do it.

Single Leg Movement

Find a place in your house where you have proper personal and general space. Practice these three movements. Each movement builds on the other so do not skip ahead before practicing each movement in order

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Marathon Kids

Your parents have received an email from me to sign up for Marathon kids connect. Please have them sign up so we can track your progress together!


Jumping Part 2

Movement Path

Create a path and use various patterns of movement to get from start to finish (skipping, running, galloping, jumping, hopping, walking....)

Jumping Jacks and Skipping

Squat, Crawl, Gallop

This week we are exploring movement with squat, crawl and gallop in different ways. Practice the movements at least three times this week

Body awareness

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Breakfast Brain Break

This week we are going over breakfast in the nutrition and our activity will apply what we learned. Follow the directions in the slide on how to perform the activity. The next slide is an example of how it should look.

Examples of how to perform the exercises are below

Squat Jump

Push Up


Downward Dog



Farm to you Brain Break

This week we are going over how food goes from the farm to you plate. The following activity is a brain break for this lesson. Follow the directions on how to complete the activity. Read each food group and perform the following exercise. Make sure you do all 5 food groups. Go to the next slide to find the rest.



Tree Pose



Smart Snacker Brain Break

This week we are learning about how snacks can help our body preform better through out the day. This activity shows us how snacks can effect our body in a positive and negative way. Don't forget to look at the next slide


Squat Jumps

Jumping Jacks

Marathon Kids

With the break coming up, it is important to stay active. An email has been sent to parents that have not signed up for the marathon kids app. This video goes over what the emails parents have received look like and how to proceed.

Traveling: Red/Green light

This week we introduce our traveling unit (jogging and running). In this lesson we learn how to run properly with how our arms should move and feet should land.

Traveling: Clean the room

This week we continue with the skills of running and jogging (change of speed). The next skill we are going to add is change of direction.


This week we continue our skill of traveling unit with the skill of galloping


This week we continue our. traveling unit and go over crawling

Crawl with a toss

This week we continue our traveling unit and review crawling while adding a toss

Island Sharks and Minows

This week we continue our unit with galloping

Shadow Gallop


Shuffle around objects

Balance with eyes closed