Special issue

In conjunction with the Big Stuff 2022 conference, the Conservar Património journal will publish a special issue that includes papers submitted to and presented at the conference.

Authors are invited to submit the manuscripts for publication.

Deadline: 31 January 2023.

More information is available here

prepare your oral presentation

  • Presentation should not exceed 20 minutes.

  • The recommended file type to be used for presentations is PowerPoint or Portable Document Format (PDF).

  • Speakers are requested to upload their presentation on to the session PC and report to the session chair 15 minutes before the start of the session.

prepare your poster

  • Poster presenters will interact with conference participants in two ways: i) attend and present a printed poster at the meeting; ii) a 5-min flash poster presentation in the first day.

  • The posters should be printed in A0 size (84,1 cm x 118,9 cm).

  • We will provide materials for attaching posters. However, you can bring your own if you prefer.

  • The recommended file type to be used for the flash poster presentation is PowerPoint or Portable Document Format (PDF).