Service Learning

About Service Hours required for Graduation  - FCPS has an approved program that enables students to meet the Maryland service-learning graduation requirement through studies and projects that are infused into selected 6th to 12th grade courses. For more information about these hours required for graduation visit the FCPS Service Learning website.

For students who wish to supplement the graduation requirement for service hours or earn additional volunteer hours outside of the classroom there are many opportunities. Earning an additional 75 volunteer hours for outside of school activities, makes a student eligible to receive the Meritorious Service Award at their Senior Recognition Ceremony. Stop by Ms. Melcher's office if you have a service project idea and want to discuss it further. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see a listing of current events looking for volunteers or organizations in need of regular volunteers. 

Service Learner During the School Day: 

Students interested in providing service as a classroom tutor within our school, at other schools, or helping community agencies during their school day may enroll in PACEE - Peer and Community Engagement Experience.  Students will have an opportunity to investigate ways in which people in a community help each other by applying the basic components of service learning: planning, action, and reflection.  Although being a PACEE Student is very different from most classes, it is indeed a 1 credit class with specific responsibilities and assignments.

PACEE Application and Teacher Contract This is the first step to becoming a PACEE Student. Read the eligibility requirements, complete the application including parent signature. Request a PACEE position with a particular teacher and complete the back of this form, The Student Teacher Contract, including the teacher's signature. Turn in the PACEE application to Ms. Melcher, Rm 240.

PACEE Syllabus This document will cover all of the rules, graded elements, and grading policy of the PACEE class. 

PACEE Assignments

PACEE Students must complete an assignment each term. Assignments are due to 5 days before the end of each term.

Complete one of the following reports to record your PACEE assignment each term.  To receive full credit your assignment must be complete, signed by your classroom teacher, or supervisor for outside of school volunteer activities, and turned in to by the end of the school day on each due date. See the PACEE Syllabus for more details on the three project options. 

PACEE Tutoring Report

PACEE Project Report

Volunteer Hours Outside of School

Volunteer Opportunities

As individual or group volunteer opportunities are scheduled and available, I will post them outside of my office, Rm 240 and here on the Service Learning webpage.  If you know of an organization in need of volunteers, please stop by to share the information so others may help out too. 

Upcoming and Ongoing Opportunities 

Stream Link Education, a nonprofit dedicated to planting riparian buffer zones throughout Frederick County. Fall volunteer event schedule that provide a great hands-on opportunity for volunteers to get their hands dirty while learning about conservation practices. We have a few more volunteer events for tree plantings and maintenance work in Emmitsburg click here to directly access our sign-up link.

Parkway Elementary School - Multicultural Night - More information and sign up information can be found here 

Delaplaine Arts Center - Volunteer to help with camps at The Delaplaine. Volunteers are needed for art classes, gallery help, exhibit installation, and more. Contact Melanie Gettier for more information

Schifferstadt Museum - Volunteer at this historic landmark right by the FHS campus as a tour guide, help with maintenance, and special events. More information about this and other local museum opportunities can be found here

Frederick County Public Libraries offer volunteer opportunities for students from 13 years old and up. Check out the information on their website

Frederick County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association Ready to GEAR UP and become part of Frederick County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services? Get more information online or call / send an email to Joyce Shry, Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator, at 301.600.2281 or

Independent Hose Company  Volunteer with our local fire and rescue company on Baughmans Lane.  Go to the website or email to get more information.

Junior Fire Company 2 is located on N. Market St. in downtown Frederick. If you are interested in gaining experience in emergency medicine or fire rescue services volunteering at one of the local companies is the best way to start - Junior Fire Co. 

Frederick City Parks and Recreation programs rely on volunteers. To see what camps, parks, and events are in need of volunteers contact them here

Frederick County Parks and Recreation offer volunteer opportunities working with camps, at nature centers and parks throughout the summer. Apply online

4H Therapeutic Horseback Riding has a need for volunteers to help with their classes on Tuesday, Thursday after school or Saturdays. For more information see their website  or contact Kate Snyder

The ARC of Frederick County is in need of volunteers one Saturday per month to help with childcare for their monthly Parents Day Out. . 

Streamlink Inc. - Tree planting events are scheduled and need volunteers. See the website for more information and sign up info. 

Habitat for Humanity Restore - cashiers and store workers are needed at the Frederick location. More information and volunteer forms can be found online 

Organizations offering Community Service Opportunities

These are some of the great opportunities available for students to work with organizations in our community.  Complete the Record of Volunteer Hours to receive credit toward Meritorious Service Recognition:

Some organizations who have volunteer opportunities available for teens: