Enrolling at Lafayette

Lafayette Enrollment Hours

Monday through Friday (when school is in session)
8:30 AM until 2:30 PM

Bus Routes & Numbers

Click HERE to find your bus number and route

**Only students who live in Lafayette's attendance boundaries will be enrolled (unless you have been accepted into a special program).  

Please check your address here before continuing.**

IF your student is coming from a private school, not currently enrolled in and attending a Fayette County Public School OR coming from outside the United Sates, we need the following:

IF your student is coming directly from a Fayette County Public School: 

 ***All of this info is required and used to update household information *** 

IF coming from homeschool, we need:

Some of the required documents can be attached to the online enrollment application.  Other documents can be emailed to rebecca.frakes@fayette.kyschools.usPlease include your online enrollment application confirmation number.   

ReBecca Frakes, Registrar

Email:  rebecca.frakes@fayette.kyschools.us