
Year 9 is not just the entry to Senior School, it is when 'pupils' become 'students' and it is also the bridge to the GCCE Curriculum and beyond. Consistent with that philosophy, from September 2022 we introduced a degree of choice into the curriculum for our Year 9 students, allowing them some autonomy over the courses they take. 

All students will study English, Maths, three Sciences, Geography, History, RPE (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics),  one modern foreign language, which will be a choice of French or Spanish, plus the Arts Award. In addition, Food & Nutrition and D&T will be studied by all as part of a technical carousel. Beyond that, there are subject choices, of which each student will choose from:  Computer Science, Fine Art, Latin, Music, and Physical Education  (academic) and Business Studies. The curriculum is also enriched for everyone by having both Games and Life Skills lessons.

I would like to clarify that making subject choices does not mean that we are effectively starting GCSEs in Year 9. All GCSE course content will begin as usual in Year10, but the Year 9 courses can provide a more solid foundation in anticipation of a potential GCSE choice. 

This MicroSite gives you an outline of the various topics we will be exploring in each subject this academic year, as well as how and when they will be assessed. (Please note that the order in which components are taught may vary and we reserve the right to amend and substitute topics should this become desirable.)

If you have any questions about course content or progress with regard to a specific subject, you are encouraged to contact the member of staff who is responsible for that area of the curriculum, as he or she is undoubtedly the expert. Their name and email address is included at the bottom of each page. Should you wish to discuss academic progress more generally, then please contact Mrs Penny Hart, Head of Senior School on or Mrs Pippa Adams, Deputy Head on

Farlington - Senior School