Lightning Procedure
FPS lightning Procedure
The following people have authority to suspend an event due to a lightning strike in this order:
Athletic Director
Athletic Coordinator
Site Manager
Athletic Trainer
It is strongly encouraged, when multiple people listed above are present, that the decision is made in collaboration with one another. The decision to delay should follow the criteria listed below.
We will follow the MSHSL guidelines for lightning strikes and lightning delays
If you see lightning you must stop the game and clear the venue.
If you hear thunder you must stop the game and clear the venue.
The following apps are approved for determining if lightning is in the area (within in 10 miles of the venue)
Weather Bug
ACCU Weather
My Lightning Tracker
If lightning is seen, thunder heard or radar indicated within 10 miles the game will enter into a 30 minute delay. Each time lightning strikes are seen, thunder heard or radar indicated the 30 minutes will start over.