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The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 opened up new lands for Americans to explore and settle.

Many Americans, believing in their Manifest Destiny to inhabit these lands, journeyed to the west where they came into contact with Native Peoples, founded safe trails for other travelers, and made remarkable scientific discoveries.

Notable Individuals and Events

Click on each picture to learn more about these individuals. Please also check out the Research page for many more websites, links, and databases to help you conduct your research.

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

Meriweather Lewis, William Clark, their slave York and their Native American guide, Sacagewea

The explored a northern route through Louisiana Purchase territory, into the Pacific Northwest

Meriwether Lewis


William Clark




Other Expeditions

Explored the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California

John C. Frémont


Explored the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California

Jedediah Strong Smith


Explored the Southwest and Texas

Zebulon Pike
