Essay Process


With Manifest Destiny as the driving force, the United States underwent vast territorial expansion between 1801 and 1861. American settlers and pioneers pushed westward across the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, and finally across the Rocky Mountains and on to the Pacific Ocean. Westward expansion contains many controversial aspects including the removal of many American Indian nations, the process and acquisition of new territories, and the abrasive encounters with various groups in the west. 


You goal, so far, with the research process was to gain different perspectives on Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion in the 1800s by researching three individuals.

Now, you will use your research notes to develop a multi-paragraph argumentative essay that answers the essential question: In the pursuit of Manifest Destiny, was the process and the result of expanding west an American triumph or tragedy?

Your essay must thoughtfully incorporate research and evidence to help support your claim to the essential question. 

Checklist – WHAT DO I NEED TO DO?