American Indians

Required. Choose ONE IMPORTANT LEADER - focus on the leader's impact/influence on Westward Expansion


American Indians lived on the land known as the United States for thousands of years before European immigrants arrived. The first people that Christopher Columbus encountered in 1492 were the Lucayan-Arawak Indians. From then on, relations between native people and incoming Europeans remained complicated, to say the least.

An ever-growing population in the United States helped prompt politicians to purchase more territory and encourage Americans to push westward. Slowly but surely, American Indians were pushed off their ancestral lands and onto government assigned reservations.

In 1830, President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act. This law lead to conflict, war, and death for many American Indians.

List of American Indian Wars

Native American Leaders and Events

Please also check out the Research page for many more websites, links, and databases to help you conduct your research.

Look at the TIMELINE to see where in history these leaders fit.



Gale: Sacajawea

(American /Indian guide for Lewis and Clark Expedition - 1803)



Gale: Tenskwatawa


1812 Indian Confederation

William McIntosh

Creek (Muskogee)

Website: Chief William McIntosh

William McIntosh

The Creek - Red Sticks - War

1813 Creek War/1825 Treaty of Indian Springs

John Ross


Gale: John Ross

Ross (1790-1866)


1830 against Indian removal act

Seminole Wars



"Five Civilized Tribes" and The Trail of Tears

The Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations.

Five Civilized Tribes

Trail of Tears 1831-1850

List of Wars with American Indians

1836 Texas Indian Wars

1849 Apache Wars

in Southwest


1854 Sioux Wars

In Dakotas

(Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull)

1855 Third Seminole War


Sitting Bull: image in the public domainCrazy Horse: image in the public domainChief Red Cloud: image in the public domainChief Joseph: image in the public domainTecumseh: image in the public domainGeronimo: image in the public domainSacajawea: CREDIT: "Early pioneers and trappers, Sacajawea, the bird woman." [between 1800 and 1850?]. History of the American West, 1860-1920: Photographs from the Collection of the Denver Public Library from the Library of Congress. Reproduction Number: X-33784 Chief Cochise: Image credit Andre Kozimor, Bronze bust of Cochise by Betty Butts. Fort Bowie National Historic Site, Arizona, USA, July 2004.