Google Drawings

What Can I Do With Google Drawings?

  • You can embed instructional videos, directions and interactive activities into Google Drawings. This allows students to "do" an activity and submit their "work" through Google Classroom. See examples below.

How to Access Google Drawings

  1. From Google Drive, Click the NEW button

  2. Then click MORE, choose DRAWINGS

How Do I use it for Instruction?

Google Drawings is a great way to deliver one lesson. It also works seamlessly with Google Classroom, so students can turn assignments in for grading.


  1. Teacher creates one Google Drawings Assignment - see simple examples below

  2. Teacher Shares it in Classroom like a doc or a slide, using the setting that each student will get their own.

  3. Students read and does the assignment

  4. Student turns it in like normal on Classroom

Very Simple Examples

Click on the example to access full functionality

Interactive Assignment

Sorting Assignment

Labeling Assignment

Google Drawing Infographic Templates

Google Drawing Infographic Templates

Some Tutorials

How to Embed Video Into Google Drawing - 1 min