
Library Behavior Expectations

Be your B.E.S.T.!

  • B: Be respectful.

  • E: Encourage kindness.

  • S: Safety first.

  • T: Try your hardest.

covid guidelines in the library

  • Wash your hands before entering the library.

  • Use a face mask covering over your mouth and nose at all times.

  • Maintain 3 feet social distancing indoors and 6 feet outdoors.

  • Only one grade level is allowed in the library at a time. Librarian will sanitize before the next grade arrives. The library can accommodate a maximum of 30 people at one time.

  • Books will be quarantined after being returned and checked back in after 5 days based on the following research (see Test #2 results).

Book Borrowing

Students may borrow 2 books at a time for up to 2 weeks.

Parents and teachers can borrow UNLIMITED amount of books!

Email your request to Mrs. Oshiro.

Overdue and Lost Books

There are no overdue fines, BUT if a book is not returned after 2 weeks, then your account is frozen and you are unable to borrow anymore new books. If you would like to borrow again, you can pay the amount to replace the lost book. This amount is fully refundable if the book is returned later on.

Homerooms that have returned all of their library books by May 1 will be rewarded with a popsicle party.

Damaged Books

If a book is damaged beyond repair, then students have the option to pay for the equivalent cost to replace it or donate a hardcover book to the library of equal or greater value. If a book is partially damaged, students pay for 25%-50% the value of the book. Students are given a notice but do not have to pay for the first damaged book.

Collection Management Policy

Instructional materials are selected by the librarian to implement, enrich, and support the educational program for the student. Materials must serve both the breadth of the curriculum and the needs and interests of individual students. The librarian is obligated to provide for a wide range of abilities and to respect the diversity of many differing points of view. To this end, principles must be placed above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials of the highest quality and appropriateness.

The Sacred Hearts Academy delegates the authority and responsibility for the selection of all instructional materials to the librarian of the Lower School. Approval of purchases will be the responsibility of the Vice Principal of the Lower School and, if necessary, can be reviewed by the Head of School.

Internet resources are not subject to this policy. The internet is largely unregulated, and not all of the information it carries is suitable for school children. Use of the Internet represents an understanding on the part of the student and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) that Sacred Hearts Academy does not control the contents of the internet.

Any parent or employee of the Sacred Hearts Academy may formally challenge library resources on the basis of appropriateness. This shall also be done through administrative procedure.

Revised: February 2007

I. Objectives of Selection

The library provides resources that implement, support and enrich the school curriculum. Library resources are chosen to provide users with a wide range of educational materials, at appropriate levels of difficulty and in a variety of formats, which reflect diversity of appeal and allow for the presentation of differing points of view.

II. Responsibility for Selection of Library Resources

Since the selection of library resources often involves many people (administrators, librarians, teachers, instructional assistants, students, parents, community members), the responsibility for coordinating the selection of library resources and for making recommendations to purchase rests with the certified librarian.

III. Criteria for Selection of Library Resources

A. Library resources will be chosen to support the mission and the academic, social, spiritual and civic expectations of Sacred Hearts Academy; the mission, philosophy, and the guiding principles and annual goals of Sacred Hearts Academy.

B. Library resources will be chosen to support the existing curriculum, as well as the personal needs and interests of library users.

C. Library resources will meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation.

D. Library resources will be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, emotional development, ability level, learning style, and social development of the students for whom the materials are selected.

E. Library resources will be selected to help students gain an awareness of our pluralistic society.

F. The selection of library resources on controversial issues will be directed toward maintaining a diverse collection representing various views.

G. Library resources will be selected for their strengths rather than rejected for their weaknesses.

IV. Procedures for Selection of Library Resources

A. In selecting library resources, the librarian will measure available materials against the above criteria , the emerging needs of the curriculum, and the library's current two-year Collection Development Plan.

B. The librarian will consult reputable, professionally prepared selection guides and other appropriate review sources. Such sources include-but are not limited to-American Historical Fiction, Booklist, Children's Library Catalog, Kirkus Reviews, Reference Books for School Libraries, School Library Journal, etc.

C. Administrators, teachers, instructional assistants, students, parents and community members will be regularly encouraged to make recommendations for purchase.

D. When feasible, the resource itself will be examined.

E. Gift materials will be measured against the above criteria, and will be accepted or rejected accordingly.

F. Resource selection will include the routine removal of outdated and inaccurate materials, as well as the replacement of lost and worn items still of educational value.


  1. Only go on your device and Apps with a teacher’s permission and supervision. No iPads out before 7:15 or afterschool unless you have teacher supervision.

  2. No food or drinks near your iPad.

  3. Tell a responsible adult if you find something that is not right. Save the evidence!

  4. Never give out your password.

  5. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

  6. Don’t loan your iPad to anyone. Also, keep it out of reach from pets & young children.

  7. Don’t talk to strangers. Don’t “add friends” without your parent’s permission.

  8. Keep your profile private versus public. Don’t share your name, age, school, phone number or address with anyone online.

  9. Ask a parent or teacher for permission before posting.

  10. Ask permission before taking a picture or video of someone else.

  11. iPads must stay locked in the classroom unless you have a teacher’s note.

  12. Finish all of your homework first before playing any games on your iPad.

  13. Stand up and say, “No” to cyberbullying. Tell an adult if someone is being unkind or harmful.

  14. Bring your iPad to school every day.

  15. Spend more time interacting face to face rather than face to screen.

  16. Don’t pretend to be someone else online. Be yourself!

  17. Don’t do online challenges without a parent’s permission.

  18. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

  19. Careful of scams like “You just won a million dollars!” and chain mail like “send this to 3 people in 3 days or else,” because it could actually be a computer virus.

  20. Cite your sources. Give credit to the author if you borrow someone else’s information, ideas, photos, or videos.

using movies in the classroom

2021 Swank Movie License: email to staff