IT Infrastructure Management

interfacing between application teams and (outsourced) infrastructure services

My Capabilities

Technical Know-How

  • Hardware Know-How

  • Operating Systems

  • Data communication

  • Middleware Layer

  • Database

  • Programming languages

  • IT security Software

Operations Know-How

  • 24x7 vs. 8x5 (especially with vendors)

  • Cross vendor operations

  • IT compliance assurance

  • Disaster Recovery (testing)

  • Patch Management assurance

  • ID administration and revalidation

Strategic Know-How

  • Technology Road Map

  • Vendor request management

  • Vendor risk management vs. operational risk management

My Proposition

Especially in outsourcing, but not limited to this, I offer the function to enable the bi-directional communication between production aka delivery teams and governance, compliance teams with the option to extend this to enable IT-Security related requirement- and status communication.