Exwick Community Church

Welcome to ECC! 

Dedicated to seeking God and serving Him in our community

Community came together - 

Carols round the bonfire

"It was the best yet!" (quote from participant)

Over 120 people from the Exwick community and beyond gathered round the bonfire in the Jubilee Gardens, Station Road, on Saturday, 14th December, to sing carols and celebrate Christmas together. The relaxed atmosphere gave everyone a chance to chat, catch up, renew acquaintances, and make new friends. There were crafts for everyone to get involved, including the striking willow stars that glowed in the night sky.  We listened to the Christmas Story, told in an interactive way, reminding us that Christmas means Immanuel - God is with us. People of all ages attended, and children played together in the safe space. Refreshments included hot mulled apple juice, hot dogs, and mince pies. The children were given hand-knitted snowmen and books, which they can treasure for years to come. 

Are you looking for somewhere to serve?

We are excited about the opportunities God is giving us to serve the Exwick community - young families, children with additional needs, isolated people - and we invite YOU to join us! Whatever your skills, gifts and talents, we have a place for you in our church family. Come along on a Sunday morning or Contact the team.

We're now on Instagram!

You can now keep up with the latest from Exwick Community Church on our Instagram account. Follow this link: https://www.instagram.com/ exwickcommunitychurch/  

You can now make a one-off or recurring gift to ECC online. Just use one of these buttons, which will take you to the Secure Just Giving website or Secure Stewardship website. You can also add Gift Aid if you are a tax payer. 

Pastor Peter is working from the Exwick Parish Hall Church Office. You can contact him by leaving a message in the Contact Us box, or drop by for a cup of coffee and a chat!

Check out our monthly NEWSLETTER to stay up to date -  CLICK HERE.
