
At this time, visitors will be welcomed back in our schools as long as their presence is not disruptive to our mitigation strategies (i.e. 3 foot of social distancing, contact tracing, etc.).

Because of the mitigation strategies in place, visitors will not be allowed to eat lunch with students again this year as we will utilize seating charts while in the cafeteria.

*All practices are subject to change based on expert guidance regarding local conditions.

  • Only essential visitors will be allowed into a school to reduce the likelihood of someone bringing COVID-19 into the building. Whenever possible, visitors to the school will be limited to the office area and schools will develop procedures for dropping off items in a safe manner without entering the building.

  • Parents/Guardians needing to meet with an administrator, teacher or guidance counselor must schedule the meeting in advance. Use of phone or video conferencing will be encouraged.

  • Until further notice, visitors will not be allowed to eat lunch with students or provide volunteer services at the school due to concerns of exposure to COVID-19.