

Wearing of face coverings is required during arrival and dismissal times.


  • Bus Arrival: Bus unloading will be staggered. Students will be instructed to socially distance themselves and walk directly to their homerooms upon arrival.

  • Car/Walker Arrival: Students will be allowed to enter the building at 7:50 AM, staff will be out front directing traffic. Students will report directly to their classroom and will be supervised by their homeroom teacher. The school day will begin at 8:20 AM. During this time, parents are not allowed to walk their student to class.


  • Bus Dismissal: Students will remain in their homeroom location for dismissal. Buses will be called a few at a time to minimize the number of students in the hallway. Students will follow the signs and socially distance themselves down the hallways to their bus.

  • Car/Walker Dismissal: Students will remain in their homeroom location for dismissal. Students will be called accordingly to allow for adequate spacing to occur in the hallways. More details forthcoming.