Addressing Student Needs

GAIN - Whole Child Supports Plan

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

All schools will begin the year with the SEL blitz. This dedicated time will help students learn school routines as they relate to school and updated COVID procedures, connect with their new teachers and classmates, and practice coping and mindfulness skills using the EVSC SEL curriculum.

Counselors/Social Workers/SEL staff

EVSC counselors, social workers and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) team members will provide in-person, virtual or phone support to students and families based on existing relationships and identified needs.

English as a Second Language

The ESL program continues to support and provide English Learners (ELs) the best possible opportunities to develop English language proficiency. We will continue to meet the academic and language development needs of our students in alignment with WIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Teachers

ESL teachers are charged with developing communication and increasing English language proficiency. The ESL teachers tailor support for the individual or small groups of ELs, as they develop the necessary basic interpersonal communication skills and academic language to fully engage with the content materials.

Maintaining English Language Development Services and Equitable Access to Grade-level Content

English language development (ELD) services will continue for all English learner students. Note that the structure and schedule of services may look different from what the school typically offers.

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) will continue to be written to reflect how EL students are gaining access to core content instruction and assessment. The ILP remains the basis for collaboration between classroom teachers and EL staff throughout the school year, regardless of in-person or virtual learning.

Family Engagement and Two-Way Communication

In a time when critical information is being released from schools and officials regularly, it is of the utmost importance that communication with English learner families is done so effectively. Additionally, language support might be needed in navigating new technologies or programs. All EVSC teachers have access to Talking Points and Google Classroom, which contain translation features. For languages not provided, we are able to provide translation and/or interpreters to effectively communicate with families.

Special Education

For Special Education students, the EVSC will provide support indicated by the student’s IEP. Special education teachers will ensure students have access to the curriculum and will support students and families. Annual Case Reviews and Case Conference meetings will take place to support students with meeting their IEP goals and make adjustments when needed.

Students with 504 plans will continue to receive appropriate accommodations.


School psychologists will continue to provide evaluation and support to students based on need and parent input following local and state guidelines.

*All guidance is subject to change as CDC and other expert guidance changes.