Contact Tracing & Social Distancing

Our EVSC team members were able to work with families and local and state health departments to effectively contact trace this past school year. The EVSC will continue to utilize our proven contact tracing protocols during the 2021-2022 school year, with continued alignment to the Indiana Department of Health guidelines and requirements for contract tracing and reporting.

The EVSC will also continue to work with the IDH on any state reporting requirements for schools as we did during the 2020-2021 school year. Community members may continue to view the current information on COVID-19 cases throughout the state on the Indiana Department of Health Dashboard as long as the state maintains the site.

For the upcoming school year, learning spaces will be arranged to allow for 3 feet of social distancing. Staff will continue to utilize seating charts in learning spaces and on school buses to allow for contact tracing.

*All practices are subject to change based on expert guidance regarding local conditions.