
Kitchen Manager

Kellee Galahger

Years in schools:4 years in school kitchen management.

Previous schools: Illahee and Heritage

Family: Husband- Gerald 10 years, Cadee 17 senior at Heritage, 4 dogs Buddy(8yrs), Bandit(5), Princess(3), and Jalapeno Pepper(5 months)(because she has a spicy attitude😂😂)

Hobbies: Quading, cuddling with my dogs, spending time with family, going to the beach.

Fun Fact- My Grandma was also a kitchen manager for a school in my hometown from 1978-1993 when she retired.

Traffic Safety

Deon Bird

Years in education: 1 as an employee. Many as a volunteer

Previous school: I started at Emerald last year officially.

Family/Pets: I have a great husband of 16 year, 5 sons Jason is 30, Wyatt is 15, Wesley is 13, Emmett is 12, Max is 9. I have a grandson who is 6 named Carson. We have a fabulous dog who is two, named Bruno.

Hobbies: I love to travel, play games, organize everything, work to benefit kids at schools. I love being a mom.

Fun fact: I've been to every state in the US and have a bucket list of locations at home and abroad I still want to visit.