3rd Grade

Andrew Kent

Years in Education: 5

Previous School: Harmony Elementary

Family/Pets: My wife Marlee and cats Sterling and Sawyer.

Hobbies: Camping in the wilderness, guitar, cooking, baking (only since March 13), being with friends and family, posing for photos wearing shirts that Marlee embroiders for me, vocabulary

Fun Fact: I’ve lived in four different states and visited most of the others and still think Washington is the prettiest. 

Dan Lutter

Years in Education: 24

Previous School: Burnt Bridge Creek Elementary

Family/Pets: My wife Kara

Hobbies: Cooking and spending time traveling with my wonderful wife.

Fun Fact:  I have an enormous baseball card collection and I also collect vintage Gillette safety razors and straight razors. 

Tiffany Webb

Years in Education: 20 

Previous School:  Harmony Elementary

Family/Pets: Mr. Webb (5th Grade teacher and husband), Brock, Colton, Tenley, Sadie (Black Lab), and Bella (cat) 

Hobbies: Coaching Cheerleading at Union High School

Fun Fact: I was a cheerleader for the University of Oregon. 

Sherrie Ike

Years in Education: 22

Previous School: Orchards Elementary

Family/Pets: Husband Steve and 3 children.  Two daughters are Kaitlyn and Haley and my son, Carson.

Hobbies: Cooking, Reading and crafting.  I also enjoy camping and boating with my family

Fun Fact:  I enjoy  science and STEM activities and have coached Science Olympiad and LEGO Robotics