1st Grade

Hannah Flinn

Years in Education:  15

Previous School: Orchards Elementary (EPS), Jason Lee Elementary(PPS)

Family/Pets:  Husband- Matthew, Kids- Casey, Ryan, and Joelle- Pets- dog Pepper (pomchi)

Hobbies:  I love soccer and baseball, hiking, the beach, the mountains, anything outdoors, reading, and puzzles

Fun Fact:  I played soccer at Long Beach State way back when I was in college.  

Karin McIntosh

Years in Education: 17

Previous School: Burnt Bridge Creek Elementary

Family/Pets: Husband Dave, Daughters Faith, Kalina, Tatym, son Kaiyen and dog Dakota

Hobbies: Reading, decorating, baking, hiking, tennis

Fun Fact: I used to live in Springbrook Ridge, the neighborhood right next to Emerald!

Amanda Donnerberg

Years in Education: 19

Previous School: Burnt Bridge Creek Elementary

Family/Pets: Husband Brent and 2 boys. My son Tyson and my son Joshua. I have a black lab named Bailey who is the queen of our house! 

Hobbies: I love sports and hiking!

Fun Fact: I played basketball at Seattle University.