2nd Grade

Jeanne Lamp

Years in Education: 34

Previous School: Burnt Bridge Creek Elementary

Family/Pets: My husband Terry, My daughter, Cresence and my son, Toby. 

Hobbies: I love to read, travel, spend time at the beach, watch football, and hang out with my family and friends. 

Fun Fact:  I’m a Disneyland addict. 

Natalie Tapfer

Years in Education: 8

Previous School: Image Elementary

Family/Pets: My husband Sam, our 2 cute rescue kitties Olive and Finn and our goldendoodle pup, Ruby. 

Hobbies: I love to bake, cook, hike, play piano and spend time with family and friends.

Fun Fact: My Great Grandmother came to the United States from Finland on the sister ship of the Titanic when she was 17 years old. 

Rebekah Hutchinson

Years in Education: 17 

Previous School: Image Elementary

Family: My husband Ian and daughter Miriam.

Hobbies: I love to TEACH, read, travel, hang out with friends, run, play soccer, go rock climbing (I am terrible at it but find great joy in it) and try new things. 

Fun Fact: I lived in China for almost four years and my daughter was born there. 

Hailey Meyer

Years in Education: Second year long term subbing 

Previous School: Last long term at Columbia Valley 

Family/Pets: My golden retriever Cassie

Hobbies: I love to read, paddle board, dance, and spend time with family and friends. 

Fun Fact: I am the only right-handed person in my family.