EUSD launches Brainstorm!

Project Brainstorm is a TK-3 program for all EUSD sites: Maidu, Greenhills, and Oakhills Elementary Schools. This program provides access to ALL STUDENTS to a novel, exploratory STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) disciple wheel. Students will be learning about science, technology, arts, and mathematics through an inquiry-based learning approach. This program is NOT intended to replace any of the core subject areas. It is an enrichment opportunity for ALL!

Project Brainstorm

Project Brainstorm focuses on all the thinking skills that are under the umbrella of STEAM:

  1. Computational Thinking (T and M)

  2. Design (Creativity) Thinking (A, S, and E)

  3. Scientific Inquiry (S)

  4. Mathematical Thinking (M)

EUSD is a district leader in STEAM!

EUSD offers STEAM learning at all grades, all sites, and at all times! With Project Brainstorm, students starting at TK will have access to the STEAM thinking competencies that prepares them for STEAM careers in the future. The exploratory wheel approach also ensures that students are aware of the myriad of opportunities present in the STEAM fields. Not only is background knowledge expanded for students at an early age, interest and motivation to engage in various STEAM topics is promoted and inspired!


Please contact your site principals or our department if you have any questions:

Ginna Guiang Myers
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
916-270-7745 |