Interventions & Supports

Supports for Struggling Students

Interventions for struggling students happen in many places through various opportunities to relearn the material or explore more examples or engage in deliberate practice. EUSD utilizes a tiered system of support for students who are struggling in ELA (English Language Arts) and Mathematics. This tiered system of support is based on the RTI (Response to Intervention) Framework.

Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a framework where the approach to struggling readers is differentiated according to severity of needs. At the base, Tier 1, is general classroom instruction. If students still find themselves having challenges with learning, they may be provided access to Tier II interventions. At Tier III, the intervention is more intense and is guided by an individualized education plan (IEP). Read more about RTI here.

Intervention is NOT about a person, place or program. Intervention may happen at any time or place or with any adult who plays an instructional role. Intervention is a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or nth chance or opportunity to relearn the material. Intervention can happen during general classroom instruction, using principles of UDL (Universal Design for Learning) and DI (Differentiated Instruction).


For families who are not eligible to participate at this time, please wait for a second round of invitation at the end of August. We will check on spots that are available and send invitations to all families at Maidu and Excelsior.

Thank you for your patience!

My child is struggling...

The first thing to do is to contact your child's teacher and discuss the areas where your child is encountering difficulties. Your teacher knows best how to help your child.

If the needs of your child cannot be addressed within the general education classroom, a push in (a teacher or an aide) model can be adopted. Likewise, your child might be pulled out of class to participate in small group relearning opportunities.


Push In Support

This model involves another teacher or instructional aide pushing into the classroom. She or he may help the child via small group instruction during class time, or allow the teacher to do this by helping the rest of the students continue their learning.

Pull Out Support

At Greenhills, Maidu, Ridgeview, and Excelsior, Intervention Teachers who are credentialed Reading Specialists may pull out small groups of students and reteach critical concepts and skills. These teachers are able to target specific content and skills that are preventing the students from mastering grade-level materials.

Before/After School

Math Labs and other academic labs are opportunities for students to participate in relearning material and also engage in deliberate practice with help from a credentialed teacher or an intervention aide. For example, Excelsior Elementary operates a Math Lab before school for struggling students.