English Learner Program

What is an English Learner?

In the 2021–22 school year, there were approximately 1.128 million English learners in California public schools, which is more than 2020–2021! At EUSD, we have more than 33 different languages spoken by our families.

School districts must ensure that:

  • Ensure that English learners acquire full proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible and attain parity with native speakers of English.

  • Ensure that English learners, within a reasonable period, achieve the same rigorous grade-level academic standards expected of all students.

What is an English Learner?

  1. A student who enrolls in a California school beginning in any grade level, transitional kindergarten through grade twelve, with a language other than English identified on the Home Language Survey.

  2. Upon assessment, obtained a level of English proficiency that indicates programs and services are necessary.

Students identified as English learners receive programs and services until they meet the reclassification criteria pursuant to Education Code (EC) Section 313.

What is the ELPAC?

The ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessment) gauges students' Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking abilities.

There are two ELPAC assessments, the Initial and the Summative. These standards-based assessments are administered to identified students in TK-12th grade. The Initial ELPAC is used to identify a student as either an English learner who needs support to learn English or as initially proficient in English. The Summative ELPAC is used as a yearly measure of skills. The results will help tell the school if the student is progressing and is ready to be reclassified as proficient.

Please see this parent guide if you have any additional questions - LINK.

You can access the most recent score reports in your Powerschool account.


Within 30 days of enrollment, the Initial ELPAC is administered by a trained teacher to determine the student's English Language Proficiency level. Students take the Initial ELPAC test if the Home Language survey indicates another language is spoken at home. This computer-based test consists of items that test: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening skills.

The Initial ELPAC assessment is only administered to students one time in California.


The Summative ELPAC is administered annually to all EL students in the Spring. This test is designed to measure progress in English Language Development. Teachers use performance on this ELPAC to determine if adjustments in EL supports are needed. Like the Initial ELPAC, the Summative is a computer-based assessment used to measure Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.

An ELPAC score of 4 (the highest level) is a pre-requisite for exiting the EL Program, along with other criteria listed below.


English Learner Reclassification refers to the process whereby an EL student is exited out of the program due to having acquired English Language proficiency that would allow s/he to succeed in academic classes without EL support. Once a student is Reclassified, their designation changes from EL to RFEP (Reclassified Fluent English Proficient). This process typically occurs each Fall.

Four measures are used to determine eligibility for reclassification:

  1. A Summative ELPAC Score of 4.

  2. K-2 - Students met or exceeded the benchmark on their PALS assessment,

3rd - 8th - CAASPP Scores in ELA and Math showing Level 3 (Met) or 4 (Exceeded)

  1. Teacher Referral

  2. Parent/Guardian Approval

Please note: If your student has an active IEP, the IEP team will meet to consider the student's Reclassification based on ELPAC progression and academic progress.

What do EL supports look like at EUSD?

When evaluating support for our EL students, a team of teachers takes multiple factors into consideration. Most of our K-8 sites offer support to students through an on-site EL Support Teacher. This teacher will assist your student's classroom teacher in providing the support necessary for your student's success! This support will look different at each site and will depend on the specific needs of your student.

Small group instruction with EL Support Teachers and/or Classroom Teachers

GLAD Strategies

Teacher Consultation and Continued Professional Development

Integrated and Designated Lessons based on the CA ELD Standards

To promote community building, we invite all EL, IFEP, and RFEP families to participate!

November 9 (6:00 - 7:30 pm) - EL Parent Night (at Maidu MPR)

ELAC (TBD) - To be held at each site

March 15 (6:00 - 7:30 pm) - ELAC/DELAC (at Maidu MPR)

Learning Opprutunities

Being a Bilingual Scholar is a gift! At EUSD, we celebrate and honor your child's ability to speak multiple languages.

As an EL student, your child is eligible for several programs. Currently, we offer after-school extended learning opportunities (ELO-P) and Free STEAM summer camps in June.

Summer STEAM Camp

We are offering (once again!) a FREE summer STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) for our English Learners, IFEP and RFEP students!

Save the dates: June 12-30, 2023 (M - Th only)!

Students will learn literacy skills through the context of STEAM and build important background knowledge and vocabulary. You will receive information regarding enrollment in the Spring of 2023.