Multimedia Presentation

Details & Due Dates

Due Dates

First Draft of Multimedia Presentation: Friday, November 22

Interview: Friday, November 15

Final Draft of Multimedia Presentation (with notecards for speech): Wednesday, December 4

Graded Rehearsal Presentation: December 6, 9 - 10

Formal Presentation: December 11 - 13


1. Multimedia presentation and a formal speech

2. Content: Focus area from research paper and 2-4 year plan

(Choose an aspect of your paper that will be educational and engaging to the audience and can be illuminated by interesting images, graphics, and video. Be sure to focus in and show the depth of your research rather than giving a superficial overview.)

a. bulk of presentation on information from your research paper

b. 2 - 4 year plan

c. Interview

3. Presentation length: 15-20 minutes, 20 - 40 slides

4. Slides should add to what you're saying in your speech or clarify points you make in your speech

5. Use photographs, video clips, drawings, graphics, charts, tables, etc. to add to your speech (you must have at least one video clip and at least 20 images)

6. Include a bibliography at the end of your presentation

7. Give an engaging speech (see Grading Criteria for more details)