May 26-29,2024

The School League TripSports - LETS aims to provide student-athletes from Middle School level private schools in South America with the opportunity to engage in a healthy sports competition, fostering a multicultural experience based on the values of sportsmanship, fair play, and diversity. 


Date: From May 26th to May 29th, 2024.

Departure and Arrival Times:

May 26th (Sunday):

Departure from Eleva Botafogo School: 06:00 AM

Arrival at Rancho NR: around 12:00 PM

May 29th (Saturday):

Departure from Rancho NR: 1:00 PM

Arrival at Eleva Botafogo School: around 7:00 PM


Basketball - male 

Soccer - male and female

Volleyball - female

Categories: students born between the years 2009 and 2012

Daily Schedule 

May 26th:

Morning: Delegations arrive from 7:00 am onwards and technical congress.

Midday: Opening ceremony.

Afternoon/Evening: Preliminary phase games.

May 27th:

Morning/Afternoon/Evening: Preliminary phase games.

May 28th:

Morning/Afternoon/Evening: Last games of the preliminary phase, Semi-finals, and Finals.

May 29th:

Morning: Semi-finals and Finals.

Early afternoon: Closing ceremony and award presentation.

Until 3:00 pm: Departure of delegations.

Nursing team and ambulance. 

There will be a medical center with a team of nurses available 24 hours a day during the entire event for any eventual needs, and a permanent ambulance on-site.

Physiotherapy team.

A team of physiotherapists and massage therapists will be available in a specialized room with stretchers and all necessary equipment to support the athletes during the competition. 


 The event is in partnership with Camp Nosso Recanto - NR (www.nr.com.br), an institution with over 70 years of experience in serving young people of different ages, which will not only host the event and accommodate the delegations but also take care of tasks such as security, catering, infrastructure for the competitions, monitoring, among other detailed aspects.

Additionally, NR has 70 years of experience in organizing various events for young people from all parts of Brazil and the continent. With its excellent sports facilities, it has been hosting tournaments and competitions for different sports for 30 years.

Resort Santo Antônio do Pinhal is located on the border of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, 30 km from Campos do Jordão and 180 km from São Paulo. The region is privileged by the natural beauty of the Serra da Mantiqueira and has a tropical altitude climate. The reference airport is Governor André Franco Montoro in Guarulhos - International (GRU). 

The resort features


The resort has dozens of dormitories equipped with bunk beds, showers, bathrooms, and lockers, with a capacity of 4 to 20 people each. Each school will have a reserved dormitory area exclusively for its delegation, with separate male and female dormitories.

Study Halls

The LETS organization is aware of the high academic demands common to all schools and therefore ensures that each school can reserve daily study hours in the resort's study rooms, allowing students to organize structured study times during breaks from the games to keep up with their curricular content during the event. NR has four study halls with Wi-Fi and comfortable spaces for studying.

What`s Included