Learning Objectives
1º ano


Língua Portuguesa

  • Narrar fatos do cotidiano com encadeamento de ideias.

  • Reconhecer palavras do cotidiano.

  • Identificar elementos do gênero textual lista.

  • Escrever uma lista de palavras seguindo o tema proposto.

  • Escrever novas palavras a partir de sílabas simples.


  • Ler, escrever e ordenar números até 20.

  • Estimar e contar com segurança até 20 objetos.

  • Reconhecer e nomear figuras geométricas planas.

  • Reconhecer uma sequência e identificar um padrão com formas geométricas.

História e Geografia

História -Cada um é como é

  • Identificar aspectos do seu crescimento através de registros históricos e memória oral dos membros de sua família e/ou de sua comunidade.

Geografia - Você, os lugares e as pessoas

  • Descrever e distinguir os seus papéis e responsabilidades relacionados à família, à escola e à comunidade.


  • Know the names of the main external body parts of humans and animals

  • Identify some differences between living things and things that have never been alive

  • List what all living things need to survive

Language Arts

  • Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

  • With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story.

  • With prompting and support from the teacher, identify the main parts of a story (Beginning, Middle and Ending).

  • Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.

  • Begin to produce complete sentences orally when appropriate to task and situation.

Visual Arts

  • Communicate ideas through artwork.

  • Recall creative process


  • Represent simple characters expressing moods and abstract concepts through movement and sound.

  • Recognize and participate in listening activities as an audience member.


  • Achieve silence for attentive listening and bodily control for musical practice.

  • Sing with attention to tuning as part of a small group.

Physical Education

  • Apply different strategies to solve the challenges of the games.

  • Identify victory and loss as part of the games, demonstrating how to behave in each situation.

Creative tech

  • Produce images that represent ideas and/or projects.

  • Change the shape of materials and explore their properties