
The videos below offer tutorials on various platforms used throughout ERUSD. Teachers can watch these on-demand videos to learn new skills or refine their skills in various platforms

Google Classroom Overview

GC Tips and Tricks

Link Classroom to AERIES

Using Comments

Emailing Parents & Students

Writing Comments on GC Assignment

Creating Google Class Through Aeries Or Linking

Creating GC Through Aeries

Creating Assignments In Google Class.webm

Creating Assignments in GC

Creating Quizzes & Using Lockdown Mode on Classroom.webm

Quizzes and LockDown Mode in GC

Using the Camera for GC

ERUSD Hello, Google Meet. Let's Hangout_BTA

Google Meet Overview

Setting up Digital Office Hours for DL

Adding Google Meet Code to Aeries Portal.webm

Adding Google Meet Code to Aeries

Linking Meets to Classroom

Starting & Ending a Meeting

Using Grid View

Taking Attendance on Meet

Student Screen Sharing

Grid View on GM

Google Meet Updates

Controlling a Student's Screen

Untitled: Apr 17, 2020 11:52 AM.webm

Use folders, calendars and a Google Site -- all integrated with your Classroom -- to keep resources organized and accessible to students.

Google Slides Q&A Features

Google Slides Q&A Features

Quizzes in Google Forms

Customizing Feedback

Adjusting Quiz Settings

Post a Lesson w/ Screencastify

Screencastify Demo.mp4

Screencastify Demo

ERUSD Teacher Portal - Taking Attendance and Attendance Notes Distance Learning (1).pdf

Take Attendance w/ a Google Classroom Question

Create an AERIES Communication Message for Parents

Creating an Aeries Gradebook

Documenting Distance Learning Instructional Minutes.webm

Documenting Instructional Minutes During DL

Create safe YouTube video links for students to prevent ads and distractions.

Illuminate Quick Assessment

Posting Illuminate Exam on Google Classroom.webm

Posting Illuminate Exam in GC

Monitoring Learning w/ Live Proctoring

Educator's Guide to Google Voice

Kami Integration w/ GC

Kami & Google Classroom for Teachers_ Remote Learning.pdf

Seesaw for Schools Intro.

Create Your First Seesaw Activity

Go Guardian Overview

Go Guardian Teacher Training

Nearpod Intro Video

Nearpod Part 2