Mental Health Resources

Click on this video for directions on what signs to look for in students, and how to make an ERUSD CARE/mental health referral on each school website
Managing Mental Health Issues in the Classroom Setting
An excellent short film from Ireland on the importance of mental health education for teachers.
Tips for Educators: Mental Wellbeing During Social Distancing
This short video provides four tips to help you manage your own mental wellbeing during social distancing.
Tips for Educators: Managing Your Students' Mental Health During Public Health Emergencies
This five-minute video provides four tips for you to manage your students' mental health during public health emergencies.
Taking Care of Yourself During Uncertain Times: Mindfulness and Well-being for Educators
As educators across the world continuing to teach and support students during this unprecedented time, here are some strategies you can use for self-care, stress management and developing resilience.
Supporting You Supporting Your Students: Tools for the Challenging Times
This is a 4-part webinar series hosted by CDE in partnership with Wellness Together School Mental Health. This series addresses some of the adjustments necessary to ensure students are receiving mental health support in the midst of the recent challenges.
Supporting Students in Stressful Times - Free webinar recording
Participants will learn:
Strategies for connecting with students and promoting their well-being during distance learning; and
Issues and considerations for supporting students during a time of crisis.
And more...
Virtual Support Circle for Educators During COVID-19
State Superintendent Tony Thurmond hosted the first Virtual Support Circle for Educators on May 7th. Guests included one of California’s 2020 Teachers of the Year and others who provided special presentations on educator resources and mental health and wellness.
Trauma-Informed Leadership During a Pandemic - A Quick Reference Guide
This Quick Reference Guide has been developed for administrators, teachers and support staff to assist with the emotional and traumatic response to the pandemic.
Supporting Teachers Affected By Trauma
This is a FREE online course that explores secondary trauma, risk factors associated with susceptibility to secondary traumatic stress (STS), the impact of STS across multiple life domains, and tangible self-care skills.
COVID-19 and Your Mental Health Infographic
Hint: Click the image below to expand the infographic!
A Workbook by The Wellness Society
Click on the button to download the workbook in English or Spanish.
Here Are Some Additional Quick Reads...
Los Angeles County Office of Education offers free counseling services for educators through the EASE Program
The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) has created a new Wellbeing Line as a resource specifically for teachers and school staff continuing to work during the pandemic
Who Should Call:
Teachers and school staff experiencing unique challenges as they selflessly continue to serve youth in LA County.
Why You Should Call:
If you feel like you could use someone to talk to in order to:
Work through your own stress
Process student wellbeing needs and challenges
Find wellbeing and mental health resources for yourself or others
When and How to Call: