Indoor Cycling Bike Fit

As Indoor Cycling grows in popularity, it's become increasingly important to insure your bike fits you properly to get the most out of your training and reduce injury. ERO comes TO YOUR HOME to fit you properly to your indoor bike!

Why It's Important...

Indoor Cycling from home has become increasingly popular both with traditional cyclists & multi-sport athletes, and non-cyclists seeking a great workout experience. From 30 minutes to several hours, the workouts can be intense so correct positioning on the bike becomes extremely important. If you want to get the most out of your efforts, your body needs to be operating as efficiently as possible.

Comfort Equals Power

There's no such thing as "normal pain" when it comes to cycling. Your knees, back, feet, arms, shoulders and, yes, your saddle (are you listening ladies?), should all feel good. If you're not comfortable, you're not getting the most out of your workout. Pain is your body telling you something is wrong. Ignore it, and your performance will suffer. Ignore the wrong pains, and injuries will follow. A good fit will allow you to complete your efforts pain free both during and after your workouts.

Wahoo, Tacx and Stages Smart Bikes

They're finally here! The next generation of at home training for cyclists and multi-sports athletes is ready to take your training to a whole new level. These smart bikes are highly adjustable and allow us to mimic your current position down to the millimeter. Beyond that, you can quickly make position changes to see how they feel before making the same adjustments on your racing or training bike.

These bikes are compatible with Zwift, TrainerRoad, and most other cycling apps. They shift gears, have adjustable cranks lengths, and can accept aero bars with ease.

We Come to You Free!

When you purchase a Wahoo Kickr, Tacx Neo Smart Bike, or Stages SB20 Smart Bike from ERO Sports, we will bring it to your home, build it, and then fit it to you using Retul Motion Capture technology for free! There's no extra charge for any of this. It's all included in the price of the bike. No catch (okay, you need to live near our Southern California or Pennsylvania locations), the best fitters in the industry come to you and fit you in your home or at your office. How cool is that?

Beyond this already incredible deal, we'll also advise you on your position for 1 year after the purchase of your bike at no additional charge. Because these bikes allow you to make position adjustments, you're able to try different position changes, take video of yourself, and send it to us to analyze.

If you've already purchased a smart bike or indoor spin bike, don't worry, we're offering an at-home fit service at a very reasonable price (see below).


  1. Wahoo Kickr Bike - $3499.00 - Call or Email to Purchase
  2. Tacx Neo Smart Bike - $3199.00 - Call or Email to Purchase
  3. Stages SB20 Smart Bike - $2899.99

Prices are MSRP (tax not included) - no team discounts apply.Additional Smart Bikes will be added as they become available.

Peloton & Spin Bikes

The popularity of Peloton has been an exciting movement for at home exercise. The challenging, yet fun, classes are a great aerobic workout with some intense efforts. If you want to get the most out of your training, your body must be functioning properly. But, how do you know if your Peloton is set up properly? ERO uses motion capture technology in your home to insure you're performing at your best with comfort. Saddle height, saddle fore & aft position, handlebar height and how you reach to your handlebars is all addressed and set optimally for you.

Saddle Comfort

Is your saddle uncomfortable? It shouldn't be, nor does it have to be! Saddle comfort is a huge deal. It shouldn't hurt! We bring a variety of saddles for you to try so you'll know what works best for you.

It's amazing how much more enjoyable, and how much better you'll perform when you have the correct cycling position. Power and comfort both increase, and you'll be looking forward to that next Peloton class.

In-Home Stationary Bike Fit - $199

Includes all stationary bikes including Spin Bikes, Peloton, and Smart Bikes not purchased through ERO Sports. Does not included fitting regular bicycles. Available in Southern California and Pennsylvania. Additional charge for some areas due to extended travel.

All fits are conducted using Retul 3D Motion Capture Technology and include:

  1. Pre-Fit Assessment
  2. Cleat Placement
  3. 3D Motion Capture
  4. Marking of all positions for easy replication
  5. Fit Report detailing all measurements

For more information, or to schedule your fit: