Rural exodus

Rural exodus : Migration of people from rural areas, and mainly the agricultural population, to urban areas. (Larousse dictionary)

In order to deepen our studies on the rural exodus, we went to meet women who had experienced this phenomenon. These former peasant women gave us a long interview to tell us about their painful departure, their journey and the first difficult years experienced in the city. We are very grateful to them and we listened with great attention and compassion to their emotional stories! They have decided to remain anonymous and we respect their choice...

The reasons for their departure:

The women we interviewe1d told us that they owned plots of land in the countryside, in central Tunisia. Unfortunately, there, because of the drought, the water is expensive, moreover, the waves of sand coming from the Sahara, favored by the climate crisis, make the little water that remains, toxic for the plants. As if that were not enough, they did not have the means and were not helped by the State to finance the machines useful for agriculture: tractor...

Finally, in the countryside there is nothing left . They tell us "the nearby dispensary was not open and the only school was 30 minutes away by car". In view of the climate crisis and the intensification of the brain drain, these problems will affect in a very important way, the big cities like Sousse which already suffers the consequences!

The consequences:

The latter were forced to leave the countryside for the city, Sousse.

Once there, they begin by illegally renting small houses built on top of each other in very poor neighborhoods like Erriadh... In these houses, the living conditions are terrible, they let us know that there was no water or electricity... They had so much difficulty getting food and finding work that they thought of leaving Tunisia illegally for Europe in the hope of a new life.

Today... and tomorrow ?

However, they were brave and continued to fight for their children. They were therefore able to go to school. With perseverance, the help of some people and a lot of courage they managed to stabilize their situation.

Today everything is better for them but they always have a thought for those who stayed in the countryside, will they come one day, will they be able to come.

Because, with the intensification of the rural exodus, the terrible current conditions offered by large cities like Sousse will deteriorate even more!

Brain drain : the emigration of hihgly trained or qualified people from particular country.

Source : Oxford language