
A devastating consequence of global warming in Tunisia

After several months of study, here is what we can deduce from the poverty in Sousse :

In Sousse, the poverty rate was around 20% at the end of 2021, which is due in particular to unemployment which increases every year in our city, young people being the most affected with a rate reaching 40%! This increase is explained by the accentuation of the rural exodus. Indeed, many peasants who are not financially assisted by the state abandon their land and prefer to come to town... Often, they cannot find work there! So they live in miserable conditions. A service woman, a former country girl, informed us "that there was no electricity or water in her old house in Sousse"...

Moreover, these people cannot meet their needs: products subsidized by the state such as flour or pasta are still considered too expensive and medicines even worse... It is these difficult living conditions that lead to many Tunisians (most of the time very young) to immigrate illegally to Europe (according to "the digital sun" in total, 15,671 migrants managed to reach Italian soil from the Tunisian coasts in 2021), most often in tires.

They abandon their family in the hope of having a new life in vain! Despite all these problems, the woman we interviewed tells us "that life is always better in the city than in the countryside where today there is nothing, no hospitals, no schools, no future...

And this situation will get worse because of the climate crisis! It is therefore very important to find solutions to fight against precariousness: although the state must do it, it is not up to it alone to take on the role of solidarity.

Admittedly, it should provide more support to farmers or better support certain employees in their daily lives, but that is not enough.

It is the turn of people who have the means, to act, by supporting charities for example or by organizing days of collection and redistribution of used objects for people with little means...

Rural exodus : Migration of people from rural areas, and mainly the agricultural population, to urban areas.

(Larousse dictionary)