
What is Dyslexia?

Scottish Working Definition of Dyslexia


Dyslexia can be described as a lifelong range of difficulties in learning to read, write and/or spell, which persist despite the provision of appropriate learning opportunities. 

These difficulties often do not reflect an individual's cognitive abilities and may not be typical of performance in other areas. The impact of dyslexia as a barrier to learning varies in degree according to the learning and teaching environment.

Common Difficulties

Identifying Dyslexia at Williamwood

At Williamwood, we have the ability to investigate and identify dyslexia. This is a robust and in depth process which may involve

We currently have a small team to complete this process. A general timescale, from initial concerns to a decision, is up to 1 year

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How do we support dyslexia?

Some common examples of support for dyslexia at Williamwood are :