Extra Time

In assessments and National Qualifications that have timed external assessments, both the school and SQA recognises that some candidates, due to their disability or Additional Support Need, may need extra time to complete these assessments. 

Who is eligible?

Only candidates who have been identified as having a particular disability or Additional Support Need and where there is appropriate evidence of their ongoing need for extra time are eligible.

How do we ensure extra time is allocated correctly?

The process of identifying which candidates require extra time and how much extra is needed is an ongoing and continuous process throughout a young persons time at Williamwood.  In this way we aim to tailor extra time allocation for an eligible candidate. This is done to ensure the correct extra time provision for the young person and maintain equity and fairness in relation to their peers. Young people, identified as potentially requiring extra time will be involved in teacher/pupil conversations, have an involvement with Learning Support and will work with staff to gather evidence as per SQA guidelines.

How do we gather evidence?

It is important that we have the necessary evidence available to support the provision of extra time in assessments and exams. 

The amount of extra time required may vary according to the candidate’s individual needs. As a school we are required to gather appropriate evidence indicating : 

The conditions for allocation of Extra Time support will vary by candidate and is carefully considered on a case by case basis.  This is to ensure that our assessments or National Qualifications are robust, rigorous and fair for all candidates. Please contact Learning Support or Pupil Support if you are unsure if your young person meets the eligibility criteria for any of these supports.