Separate Accomodation

What is Separate accomodation?

Separate accomodation is an additional arrangement whereby pupils sit their examination outwith the main hall or examination room.  This can be on an individual basis or in small group accomodation with other pupils receiving similar support.

Are There are different types of Separate Accomodation?

Yes, as per SQA guidelines

Individual accommodation 

Individual accommodation should be used where the assessment arrangement requires dialogue between the candidate and a support assistant, for example a prompter, a reader or scribe, or when a candidate’s assessment environment is different, for example using sign language to communicate. 

A candidate with extreme anxiety and who is unable to complete their assessment in a room with others may also need to be in individual accommodation. 

Individual accommodation can also be used to support candidates who need access to other amenities during an assessment, for example learners who are diabetic and need to check blood sugar levels or take food and drink into an exam, or candidates who are coeliac. 

Small group accommodation 

Small group accommodation may be suitable for candidates who find the main hall overwhelming due to anxiety or stress but are able to complete an exam in a small group setting. 

To protect the integrity of SQA external assessments, this arrangement must not be considered where the assessment arrangement requires dialogue between the candidate and a support assistant, for example a prompter, a reader or scribe, or when a candidate’s assessment environment is different, for example using sign language to communicate. 

Who is eligible for separate accomodation?

Separate accommodation is an assessment arrangement used for learners who need to complete exams, or other assessments, in a separate room. The particulars of this vary but some examples are pupils who require a prompter, reader, scribe or signed response, pupils who require dialogue that may cause a disturbance for other candidates, pupils who have anxiety or stress surrounding completing their exam in the main hall or pupils who have a health condition which might make it necessary for them to leave the exam hall.

The conditions for allocation of the above forms of support will vary by candidate and is carefully considered on a case by case basis.  This is to ensure that our assessments or National Qualifications are robust, rigorous and fair for all candidates. Please contact Learning Support or Pupil Support if you are unsure if your young person meets the eligibility criteria for any of these supports.