Reader, Scribe + Prompt




What happens with a reader?

A human reader reads out text, verbatim, in an assessment to enable the candidate to access it. This may involve reading out all written instructions and questions to the candidate, or only certain questions and words as directed by the candidate. Candidates may also ask that their written responses are read back to them. 

What happens with a Scribe?

A scribe records a candidate’s dictated responses, either by hand or using ICT. This may involve scribing all the candidate’s responses, or only words or responses to certain questions that the candidate requests. The scribe cannot enhance or refine the candidate’s dictated responses, but can use their discretion with regard to the correct spelling of a word and, where necessary, the correct punctuation. 

What happens with a Prompt?

A prompter is someone who is present during an assessment to ensure that a candidate stays on task. A prompter can draw a pupils attention back to the task however, they will not be able to give any advice on what question to answer, how much time that should be spent on each question, or explain any words or questions to the pupil. 

Who is eligible for a reader?

The use of a human reader is allowed to meet the needs of candidates who have substantial difficulties with reading text (e.g - dyslexia) and who cannot access the assessment material by other more appropriate means, for example, by using a text/screen reader. 

Who is eligible for a Scribe?

The use of a scribe can be allowed in assessments to meet the needs of disabled candidates who have substantial difficulties with writing (e.g - dysgraphia) and who cannot produce their written responses by any other more appropriate means, for example by using appropriate ICT.

Who is eligible for a Prompt?

A prompter may be required where a candidate has little or no sense of time or has significant concentration difficulties (e.g - ADHD or ADD). The prompter may sit beside the candidate to keep their attention on the assessment. 

The conditions for allocation of the above forms of support will vary by candidate and is carefully considered on a case by case basis.  This is to ensure that our assessments or National Qualifications are robust, rigorous and fair for all candidates. Please contact Learning Support or Pupil Support if you are unsure if your young person meets the eligibility criteria for any of these supports.