

Daily Sessions

St.Cadoc's Nursery Class is open during the term-time.

We have three placement types core, extendedand blended.

Core Hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 3pm.

Extended Hours
Three days per week 8am - 6pm. 

We work in partnership with Funded Providers including child minders, other local nurseries and the outdoor woodland kindergarten so that funding from the Scottish Government can be split between multiple ELCC settings.


Regular attendance will ensure that your child gains maximum benefit from nursery.  If your child is going to be absent, we ask you to contact us before 9.00 a.m. on the day of her/his absence either by telephone 0141 570 7340 or by e-mail .

If we do not hear from you, we will telephone you to find out how your child is doing.

Please remember that children who are unwell should be kept at home to prevent the risk of infection spreading to others and also for the benefit of the child who is ill.

Please note any child who has had sickness or diarrhoea should not return until they have been free of symptoms for 48hrs.

Information regarding exclusion periods for infectious diseases can be obtained from the office or NHS website.  If you are unsure the staff will be happy to advise you.

Collection of children

We will ask you to complete a list of people who can collect your child and provide us with a password should we not recognise the person who is collecting your child. If possible, please introduce them to us before they come to collect your child.

In the interest of your child’s safety, please let your child’s key worker know if he or she is to be collected by someone not known to either the Senior Leadership Team or staff members. Please also ensure the person collecting your child knows their password. This avoids difficult situations when a child cannot be allowed to leave with an adult who is a stranger to the staff.