June blog

Numeracy - The Adders

Data Handling

We made our own survey about whatever we wanted and went to other classes and asked if we could do a survey. Ailsa did favourite Disney movies and Leo did favourite Minecraft skin. We also learnt how to read tally charts, tables and bar charts. We were really good at that!

Adding 3-Digit Numbers

We were learning how to add biggest numbers like 235 + 458. We had to remember to carry if it went to more than 10. We found it tricky but then kinda easy.


We were thinking about volume and how much space things take up. We can tell you which thing holds more liquid and what cars or trucks are bigger or smaller. We can read scales with litres and half a litre like 2 and a half litres or 3 and a half litres.

By Leo F and Ailsa

Numeracy - The Subtractors

Time Duration

We learned how long it is between a time for example how long is it from 3:00pm to 3:15pm - how long is that? We would say 15 minutes. We also did harder ones that lasted for lots of hours like 4:45pm to 8:20pm. It was much easier when it was only 15 minutes, but when it was lots of hours it was much harder!


We looked at different types of triangles like scalene, right, obtuse, acute, isosceles and equilateral. We made a fancy circle with all the different information about them like how many equal sides they have or how big the angles are. Then we learned how to work out all the angles inside a triangle. Did you know they add up to 180 degrees?!!!!!

Division with Decimals

We have been learning how to use decimals instead of remainders for example 51 ÷ 2 = 25.5 instead of 25 r 1. We found it quite tricky at the start and still need to do a bit more practise, but we know we will understand it if we practice more.

By Fay and Sophia

Numeracy - The Dividers

In maths we have been learning about algebra. We saw how letters are sometimes used instead of numbers like a code. Like 7 + b = 19 so b = 12. The b is a letter but it is also the number 12. Miss Itcovitz also gave us challenge questions like 3x + 2 = 14 so x = 4.

Then we learned about coordinates. It has to be the x coordinate then the y coordinate but most of us made the mistake of doing y then x. We made a variety of animals including snakes, lions, birds, bees, foxes, fish and dogs. 

Now we are learning about numbers less than 1 - decimals! We have been looking at tenths and hundredths for example 3.68 = 3 units, 6 tenths and 8 hundredths. Then we learned how to calculate one tenth or three tenths up or down from a number. For example, six tenths more than 1.2 is 1.8. We also used number lines to help us learn how to use decimals. Some of us found it a bit tricky at the start, but now we are feeling confident. 

By Fatima and Mohit

Numeracy - The Multipliers

In Maths we have been learning about angles and converting weights.

When we were learning about angles, Miss Itcovitz showed us how to use a protractor and then we had to use this skill to measure angles in of lots of different ways. A lot of people found the context tricky because we kept measuring from the wrong side of the protractor and using the wrong scale! We measured angles inside geometric animals, inside our names and angles on a football pitch. We even created our own mini golf course where we had to have a certain number of different 2D shapes and specific angles within the course. We could decorate it any way we wanted.

Now we are learning about measuring weight. We began this section with how to convert between grams and kilograms and some problem solving questions about weight which we did really well.

By Callum, Bilal and Alex

Literacy - The Weasleys

We have been reading two different books - Changing Lands and a Year in Barrowswold Forest.

Changing Lands was all about how land has changed over time and helped us to become landscape detectives! We had to think about how it used to be centuries ago and how it is now. We looked at Colchester and Portree in Skye, two very different places. We focussed on population, transport, homes and jobs. For example, did you know that in Colchester, archaeologists found evidence that there was a big settlement there 2,000 years ago? 

A Year in Barrowswold Forest was all about a group of children that went to Forest Schools and what they did each day. They learned about how to survive in the wild with basic tools in all four seasons. They also learned about different plants and animals you would see in the forest and what footprints they leave. We talked about which season we would like to visit the forest and why. Normally it was because the activities were the best ones then. We also had to use the book and do our own research to make a guide on how to survive in a forest. We had to think about food, shelter and clean water. 

By Jasmine

Literacy - The Wimpy Kids

We read a book called Flash Harriet and the Loch Ness Monster. Flash Harriet had a cool treehouse and she wanted to be a detective just like her uncle. Then one day she received a letter from him to help with something. She went to meet him at his house near Loch Ness and found out that lots of strange things had been happening. Animals had been acting weird and green smoke was coming from the chimney of a house that was supposed to be empty. Flash Harriet had to work with her uncle to solve the case and catch the bad guys and she did it!

We also read Spider's Big Match all about a boy called Spider who looks messy and can be a little bit off in space. His school football team gets to the final of the cup and suddenly lots of the boys can't play - Spider has to! The first half doesn't go very well and Spider gives away a penalty. But his coach doesn't shout at him, he tells him to keep going. Then at the end of the match his team win a corner and the coach tells Spider to take it. He bends it through he air and scores a goal to draw the game meaning Parkfield Primary win the championship! 

By Cameron and Uzair

Literacy - The Fantastic Foxes

Tig in the Dumps

It was about a boy called Tig who tried to never get in trouble but he always did because he was day dreaming and not listening and the chairs in his classroom were not comfy so he moved around a lot. For World Book Day his teacher asked all the children to dress up like their favourite book character. Tig's mum gave him a costume for Little Boy Blue but he didn't like it so he was sneaky and took a football costume. But he fell in mud and went through bushes on his way to school so when he got there he looked like Stig of the Dump which was a book they had read in class so everybody said it was amazing and he won the prize. But he didn't tell his mum! We liked the bit when the big dog chased Tig and he ran away and looked crazy! We talked about what we would dress up for World Book Day and had a draw a picture and label all the details.

The Porridge Pincher

The book is about a girl called Goldilocks who eats all the porridge from the cottage. She also sat on all the chair but broke the small one. And she went in all the beds and fell asleep in the small one. The bears came back and found her sleeping!

We really liked that the whole book rhymed which was cool! We did a play for this and we all got to be one of the characters. We did funny voiced which was funny.

By Reece and Hamza

Fabulous Creatures - Are They Real?

It is about mythical creatures and if they are real or not. Some of them might be. There are 15 creatures in the book like the dodo, mermaids, the Loch Ness Monster and vamp. I like the dragon the best! On every page there is a circle that says is it real or not real and then when you turn the page it tells you the answer. Some of them say yes, some say no and some say they might be.

IDL - Climate Change

For the past few weeks we have been learning about climate change. We talked about how weather is temporary like if it is sunny or raining on a day and that climate is the weather in a  place over 30 years. We learnt the different types of climates - polar, temperate, desert (arid), tropical and Mediterranean, and where all of these are on a big world map. 

Next we learnt about what climate change actually is - when the Earth's usual weather changes over many years. Most people think that just means getting hotter but it can also be colder like when an ice age happens. Right now though, it is getting hotter. We had to find out what global warming, greenhouses gases and the greenhouse effect mean. 

We learnt about the Industrial Revolution and how so many factories were built. They cause lots of pollution and made lots of people move to big cities to have a job. We found out more about types of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. Did you know cows make methane when they fart?!!!! 

We learnt about the causes of climate change like burning fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas, deforestation and intensive farming.

Then we thought about the effects of climate change. There are so many! 

We made really cool posters all about this.

Then we talked about all the things we can do to help stop climate change - the whole world, our country, our school and us. Use public transport or electric cars, eat local food, recycle, turn off lights and devices when we're not using them and having showers not baths. We made campaign posters to tell everyone what they can do.

Climate change is not a good thing. Although everyone has to change to stop it and it seems impossible, everyone can do some small things to help.

By Amy, Mariam and Leo d F

IDL - Natural Disasters

We have been learning about Natural Disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes and wildfires. 

Did you know?

By Jessica G and Ben

The STEM Fair

Our class made presentations and models all about a Natural Disaster that we found interesting and we got to present them at the STEM Fair. In the morning we chose who was going to go down to the gym hall for each year group. We explained our projects as well as showed off all our posters and art linked to our Natural Disasters. 

We also got to see other peoples' projects in different classes like how to make a dam, making windmills out of recycled paper, designing bridges using art straws, how to save polar bears and red pandas and lots of other ones linked to science.  

Jessica C and Kriya

PE - Football

In PE we have been learning about football. We were doing passing, dribbling and shooting. For shooting we did six different stations. One of them was penalties and another way dribbling through cones then shooting. We also had to practise shooting from different angles and lay the ball off for another person. We have loved it!

By James and Awais

PE - Athletics


We did some rounds of throwing javelins and there were some pretty good throwers like Ben, Alex, Reece and Leo F. We also practiced our throwing using beanbags and hoops where we had to be really accurate. Some of the beanbags ended up over the fence - why was Miss Itcovitz surprised?! Then we did a competition of who could throw the javelin as far as they could. I (Mokshal) ended up winning as I just beat Ben and Alex's amazing throws!


We did lots of running where we jumped over the hurdles and we switched around stations so we could try everything. Everybody really enjoyed the hurdles, esepcially the races where we had to run and jump to the other side then run back and tag the next person to go. It was very close every time so it was fun to see who was going to win!

Shot put

It was much harder to throw these than we thought because they were heavy! But we did a good job and it got very competitive. 

By Mokshal and Musty


In art we created leaf lungs to represent the fact that trees are the lungs of the Earth. We could choose from a few different styles and be creative.

We also made half and half art linked to climate change where one half of the picture was a bad side with all the negative effects and the other side was the good side with all the positive effects. Again we could choose the style for example using a world, a leaf or a tree in the middle.

Then we created art thinking about the small creatures that live on our planet that could be hurt by climate change. We could choose any habitat we liked and had to draw a magnifying glass with an animal inside like it was zoomed in on them.

By Stanley and Emily


We are learning about Spanish as you can see by the title!

In Spanish we ae learning how to count to 20. We played games of Bingo and used songs to help us remember the numbers. We also got to turn the numbers into cute characters that represent our digits. 

At first we struggled to remember them all but our amazing teacher helped us by putting on a video that helped us.

Then we learned all the colours using this song. You have to listen because you will be singing it all day! Try it we dare you!

Miss Itcovitz gave us a picture and gave us all the instructions of how to colour it in Spanish. It was quite tricky to remember all the words but we did it and it was really fun!

By Sophie and Jasmine

Scavenger Hunt

Thank you to R and L who organised a fun scavenger hunt for us outside in the playground. It was part of their Junior Award Scheme for Schools award to create an outdoor activity for their friends. We worked in teams to solve the clues and find out where the next one was. It was lots of fun!

Author Visit

A big thank you to Ross Mackenzie, author of The Nowhere Emporium who came to school to talk to us about writing and his books. He writes all about magic and read us the first chapter of his book which was amazing. He also answered all our questions about what inspires him, how he started his career, who his favourite authors are and even where he gets his character names from. Thank you Ross!

Show Racism the Red Card

Thank you tothe charity Show Racism the Red Card who came to our classroom to teach us all about Racism. We talked about stereotypes including what others think of Scottish people, different types of racist situations and what we can do to help if we see someone being racist. We learned that it's not always safe for us to directly get involved but there are other options.