january blog

P.E. - Hockey

In PE we have been learning how to hit the ball with the hockey stick and control the hockey ball. In our first lesson we played a game where our partner rolled the ball and we had to try to catch it with the body part they said like belly, nose, head, hand. Then we played another game where we had to roll it to our partner, but it had to go across the spot in the middle. This was to practise our control. Next we had another game where we had to get the ball through our partner's legs and across to the other side. We found it quite tricky because the ball was hard to aim through the middle. We also were hitting the ball quite hard and thinking about speed instead of aim. 

By James

STEM - Engineer Visit

On Thursday 18th January we had a visit from an engineer who came to talk to us all about his job working with submarines!

He told us about how at least one of the British submarines needs to be out in the water at all times. This is to keep us safe and stop anyone from trying to attack us. If that one is damaged or runs out of fuel, it comes back to the base and another one will take its place. 

He showed us what he uses which is a hard hat and boots to make sure he doesn't get injured at work. 

He told us about different types of submarines and how the UK army has 4 of them. They are very expensive to build. 

We got to ask him lots of questions such as how do they eat on the boat - they have a private chef who cooks all their meals so they eat really well! We also asked how they go to the toilet - they go just like we do on land, except the flush is more like the one you get on a plane. We asked what would happen if there was an explosion and he said that would be very unlikely because of all the safety checks that need to be done as the submarine is being built, but also while it is being used. 

By Stanley and Callum

IDL - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Drama

As part of our learning about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we acted out the different characters who won the Golden Tickets. We were put into groups of 5 and each person had to choose which main character they wanted to be - Charlie Bucket, Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde or Mike Teevee. We could also play other characters like TV presenters asking interview questions, Willy Wonka, parents or grandparents. 

We had quite a lot of time to rehearse what we were going to say, make props that we needed and work out who would be standing and sitting where.

The performances were brilliant and they all made us laugh. Everyone had really thought the characters and how they should say their lines and their emotions. For example, how Veruca was very spoiled and would shout at everyone, but Charlie was very kind and thoughtful.

We gave each other feedback at the end. It was all very positive but a few things to work on were knowing where to go on the stage and when, trying hard not to mumble or laugh when on stage, and also not telling other people what to do or say if they've forgotten. 

We had so much fun 

By Ailsa and Emily

Literacy - Monster Under the Bed Drama

As part of our learning, the Fantastic Foxes read the book Monster Under the Bed. The story was about a monster who went to school to get a little boy's binoculars back from Vince who had stolen them. But he found it very hard because he didn't know which child was Vince or how to behave at a school. The story had a happy ending because he got his binoculars back.

After we read the story we got to act it out. We all had a different part - the narrator, Ben, the monster, Dad monster, Miss Rowlands, Vincent and the other children in the class. 

We did a really good job and the rest of the class were cheering and clapping for us. They laughed all the way through at the funny parts and we had lots of fun!

By Reece

Fischy Music Concert

On Tuesday 30th January we went down to the gym hall with all of Primary 5 to learn some songs with Fischy Music. They taught us six songs including Build Up, I'm the Only I and You Are a Star as well as the actions to go with them. We managed to learn all 6 in just 30 minutes!

Then later in the day we joined with P4 and P6 for a big practise all together. After that, all the parents came in to watch us perform the songs. We were all very nervous, but excited. 

During the concert we sang the hello welcome song, Bag of Worries and the goodbye song which were extras. The parents thought it was amazing and we had lots of fun performing. So much fun that we wanted to do it again!

By Fay and Jessica C

Drama - Freeze Frames

As part of our learning on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we were doing a play. It was different because we used freeze frames to perform it. The audience had to close their eyes while we got into our starting positions, then they opened their eyes and we did our performance. At the end we froze again so that they knew we were finished. 

There were some really funny parts for example when the person playing Augustus Gloop was going up the pipe or all the nonsense in Willy Wonka's boat. Also when Margie played Violet and kept taking her chewing gum out of her mouth and sticking it in other peoples' hair. 

We really enjoyed putting the pillows from Literacy Land up our jumpers to turn us into Augustus. 

Everyone did really well and the performances were funny but also relatable to the story. People had used a lot of information from the book to act out their characters. 

By Ben