Term 1


Hello, I'm glad you have came to visit our blog to see the exciting things that we have been getting upto in Primary 2 Bravo. Below you will find some images and information about our numeracy, literacy and other areas of learning.


In numeracy, we have been learning about a wide range of topics including 2D shapes and patterns, sequencing and partitioning, months of the year,  right-angled turns and directions, money and time. The children have been taking part in active learning tasks and working both independently and collaboratively to solve problems.

You can find pictures of some of our numeracy learning below.

'We were making patterns using different objects.'

'One of the patterns goes log, letter, log, letter, log letter.'

'We worked together and we had a lot of fun.'

Making 2D shapes with lollipops.

'I made a triangle and square'

Using greater than and less than symbols.

'We were partitioning numbers.'

'We raced to order the months the fastest.'


With our writing, we have had a focus on personal and reflective writing, where we have described our own experiences, our favourites, and our feelings. Primary 2 Bravo have also been learning about adjectives and how to use them within our writing to add more detail when describing something. 

Our class gets a new reading book each week which they have opportunities to read independently, paired, and as a group. We have had a strong focus on developing our prediction skills using the title, front cover and blurb to help us make guesses as to what might happen next. We have also looked at the structuring of stories where we have identified the beginning, middle and end of stories. We have had a focus on connecting as we read, relating the main events and characters' feelings to our own experiences.

The children are given new spelling words each week to practise different sounds and blends. We practise these through active spelling in our jotters as well as through using concrete materials such as scrabble, magnetic letters, lose parts, construction and Lego.

Please look at some photos of our literacy learning below.

Here, you can see some of the characters that children created with loose parts. We drew a picture of them, named them, and gave them a super power.

In Primary 2 Bravo, we have been improving our sentence structure and learning to use capital letters, full stops and other punctuation correctly. 

Have a look through our carousel of photos of our spelling activities.

Farm to Fork

We looked at packaged food and fruit and veg and had discussions making guesses as to whether they were produced locally or imported and explained why. Some children also suggested adjectives to describe the feeling and look of the food which was linked to our literacy learning.

Most children were able to work well in pairs to create a poster selling healthy food and were able to include an eye-catching picture and title, adjectives and a price.

Have a look at some of our other farm to fork activities.

Using blocks to create our own farms!

Everyone enjoyed sharing ideas for our farm shop and cafe and helped creating signs, menus etc for it and helped setting it up. Some children also created their own tinned food for the shop. 

The children worked collaboratively sorting the journey of food into order and then created their own diagram as part of the food journey to bring together as a group. 

Other Learning and Activities

Everyone has been loving a bit of arts and crafts🎨

We learned about some animals, nature and compared living to non-living things. 🪴

There is always lots and lots of fun in the construction area! And with Lego!