P2 Trip to Balmaha, Loch Lomond. What an amazing day we had!

Some well deserved rest after we climbed up Craigie Fort.  Well done. That was not an easy climb but we did it! Go Team 2b!

We created our own national parks on the beach.  We added trees and lochs too. 

We completely forgot about the national parks for a moment when these cute little ducklings came over to say hi.

We found lots of interesting bugs like woodlouse, worms and different kids of spiders and beetles!

Collecting bugs and identifying them using the bug identification sheet. 

A special day at Balmaha for our birthday girl!


We have been learning about 2D shapes and 3D objects.

We can identify how many faces, vertices and edges each object has!

We tried making our own shapes with lollipop sticks and play-doh.

We have been measuring length the length of objects. We can also partition numbers and make our own numbers using hundreds, tens and units.


We were sustainable by recycling old newspapers and making it into new paper.

While learning about the weather we created our own Water Cycle!

We also made our own weather reports!

Maidenhill wildlife!

'I made Granny's house'

'I built a house for the Isle of Struay'

Volcanoes in the sand tray!

A carousel of photos our proudest construction models!