Jan- Feb 2023

February 2023

World Book Day

Our World Book Day theme this year was 'bedtime stories' and for this, we all dressed up in our PJs.  It was a super comfy day celebrating our love of books.  Around the playroom and garden we had various book related provocations and experiences for us to explore. We used puppets and small world animals and toys to play along with the stories, we used pictures to sequence events in stories and we retold stories to one another in our own words. 

As part of our Hanen approach to sharing stories with children, we chose 'Sparkle Words' from each book to further expand the children's vocabulary.

Some examples were:

February 2023

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

The children showed great interest in exploring The Tiger Who Came to Tea in the home environment through their play. 

Using play dough and other provocations the children made animal footprints, tea cups for tea parties, patterns and stripes as the tigers coat using orange and black play dough.  

When exploring this book in their play some children were able to ask questions to deepen their understanding, role play the events in the book and talk about the characters, events and interesting words in the book. 

January 2023


The children are exploring pattern, shape and design in the nursery. We used colours, loose parts and mark making tools to copy patterns, create our own patterns and explore various types of patterns, shapes and designs in the nursery and our environment. 

We looked at some work from the artist Kandinsky and used recycled materials to replicate and experiment with creating our own designs. 

The children are working hard to write their names independently and while doing so we found patterns and shapes in the letters in our names and other words. Â